Computer Graphics Forum 1989 / CGF 8 - 2
Arnold, David; de Ruiter, Behr
Lakshminarasimhan, A.L.; Srivas, Mandayam
A Framework for Functional Specification and Transformation of Hidden Surface Elimination Algorithms
Parsons, Michael S.
Image Representations Using Miranda Laws
Theoharis, Theoharis; Page, Ian
Two Parallel Methods for Polygon Clipping
Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia; Thalmann, Daniel
The Problematics of Human Prototyping and Animation
Mumford, A.M.
The CGM Today and Tomorrow
Gossling, T.H.
The Line-Picture Attribute
John, Nigel W.; Willis, Philip J.
The Controller Animation System
Perez-Cazares, J.-R.; Rannou, R.
Developing an Animated Local Network Simulator
Plummer, Michael; Penna, David
Mass Market Applications for Real Time 3D Graphics
Rush, Stephen; Milne, Wendy
Using a Transputer Ring to Transform Raster Images
Smith, F.J.; Leitch, S.
The Incremental Display of a Single-Valued Curve
EUROGRAPHICS 89 Hamburg, 4-8 September 1989
Willis, P.J.
8th EUROGRAPHICS UK Conference
Calendar of Events
Duce, D.A.
Professor Stanko Turk
Hubbold, Roger
Watch Out - There s a New Logo About!
Hubbold, Roger
From The Chairman
Duce, D.A.
Fellows of the Eurographics Association
Computer Graphics Forum Cover Competition
Offers to EUROGRAPHICS Members