Eurographics 2007 - STARs 2007
Preface and Table of Contents
Zhang, Hao; Kaick, Oliver van; Dyer, Ramsay
Spectral Methods for Mesh Processing and Analysis
Bimber, Oliver; Iwai, Daisuke; Wetzstein, Gordon; Grundhöfer, Anselm
The Visual Computing of Projector-Camera Systems
Giacomo, T. Di; Moccozet, L.; Magnenat-Thalmann, N.; Boulic, R.; Thalmann, D.
Towards Automatic Character Skeletonization and Interactive Skin Deformation
Floriani, L. De; Hui, A.
Shape Representations Based on Simplicial and Cell Complexes
Wald, Ingo; Mark, William R.; Günther, Johannes; Boulos, Solomon; Ize, Thiago; Hunt, Warren; Parker, Steven G.; Shirley, Peter
State of the Art in Ray Tracing Animated Scenes
Bürger, Raphael; Hauser, Helwig
Visualization of Multi-variate Scientific Data