Computer Graphics Forum 2009 / CGF 28 - 2
Aydin, Tunc Ozan; Myszkowski, Karol; Seidel, Hans-Peter
Predicting Display Visibility Under Dynamically Changing Lighting Conditions
Ritschel, T.; Ihrke, M.; Frisvad, J. R.; Coppens, J.; Myszkowski, K.; Seidel, H.-P.
Temporal Glare: Real-Time Dynamic Simulation of the Scattering in the Human Eye
Mantiuk, R.; Mantiuk, R.; Tomaszewska, A.; Heidrich, W.
Color correction for tone mapping
Chuang, Johnson; Weiskopf, Daniel; Moeller, Torsten
Energy Aware Color Sets
Lenaerts, Toon; Dutre, Philip
Mixing Fluids and Granular Materials
Kristof, P.; Benes, B.; Kivanek, J.; St ava, O.
Hydraulic Erosion Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Mihalef, Viorel; Metaxas, Dimitris; Sussman, Mark
Simulation of two-phase flow with sub-scale droplet and bubble effects
Yu, Qizhi; Neyret, Fabrice; Bruneton, Eric; Holzschuch, Nicolas
Scalable real-time animation of rivers
Nowrouzezahrai, Derek; Kalogerakis, Evangelos; Fiume, Eugene
Shadowing Dynamic Scenes with Arbitrary BRDFs
Herzog, Robert; Myszkowski, Karol; Seidel, Hans-Peter
Anisotropic Radiance-Cache Splatting for Efficiently Computing High-Quality Global Illumination with Lightcuts
Wang, Rui; Akerlund, Oskar
Bidirectional Importance Sampling for Unstructured Direct Illumination
Mitake, Hironori; Asano, Kazuyuki; Aoki, Takafumi; Marc, Salvati; Sato, Makoto; Hasegawa, Shoichi
Physics-driven Multi Dimensional Keyframe Animation for Artist-directable Interactive Character
Kry, P.G.; Reveret, L.; Faure, F.; Cani, M.-P.
Modal Locomotion: Animating Virtual Characters with Natural Vibrations
Ho, Edmond S.L.; Komura, Taku
Character Motion Synthesis by Topology Coordinates
Wyman, Chris; Nichols, Greg
Adaptive Caustic Maps Using Deferred Shading
Spencer, B.; Jones, M.W.
Into the Blue: Better Caustics through Photon Relaxation
Pegoraro, Vincent; Parker, Steven G.
An Analytical Solution to Single Scattering in Homogeneous Participating Media
Hasler, N.; Stoll, C.; Sunkel, M.; Rosenhahn, B.; Seidel, H.-P.
A Statistical Model of Human Pose and Body Shape
Landreneau, Eric; Schaefer, Scott
Simplification of Articulated Meshes
Tournier, M.; Wu, X.; Courty, N.; Arnaud, E.; Reveret, L.
Motion Compression using Principal Geodesics Analysis
Schwarz, Michael; Stamminger, Marc
Fast GPU-based Adaptive Tessellation with CUDA
Lauterbach, C.; Garland, M.; Sengupta, S.; Luebke, D.; Manocha, D.
Fast BVH Construction on GPUs
Budge, Brian; Bernardin, Tony; Stuart, Jeff A.; Sengupta, Shubhabrata; Joy, Kenneth I.; Owens, John D.
Out-of-core Data Management for Path Tracing on Hybrid Resources
Liu, Rong; Zhang, Hao; Shamir, Ariel; Cohen-Or, Daniel
A Part-aware Surface Metric for Shape Analysis
Huang, Qi-Xing; Wicke, Martin; Adams, Bart; Guibas, Leonidas
Shape Decomposition using Modal Analysis
Bertails, Florence
Linear Time Super-Helices
Popa, T.; Zhou, Q.; Bradley, D.; Kraevoy, V.; Fu, H.; Sheffer, A.; Heidrich, W.
Wrinkling Captured Garments Using Space-Time Data-Driven Deformation
Aliaga, Daniel G.; Atallah, Mikhail J.
Genuinity Signatures: Designing Signatures for Verifying 3D Object Genuinity
Chang, W.; Zwicker, M.
Range Scan Registration Using Reduced Deformable Models
Peytavie, A.; Galin, E.; Grosjean, J.; Merillou, S.
Arches: a Framework for Modeling Complex Terrains
Cabral, Marcio; Lefebvre, Sylvain; Dachsbacher, Carsten; Drettakis, George
Structure-Preserving Reshape for Textured Architectural Scenes
Weber, Basil; Mueller, Pascal; Wonka, Peter; Gross, Markus
Interactive Geometric Simulation of 4D Cities
Oeztireli, A. C.; Guennebaud, G.; Gross, M.
Feature Preserving Point Set Surfaces based on Non-Linear Kernel Regression
Schnabel, Ruwen; Degener, Patrick; Klein, Reinhard
Completion and Reconstruction with Primitive Shapes
Ruiters, Roland; Klein, Reinhard
Heightfield and spatially varying BRDF Reconstruction for Materials with Interreflections
Habel, Ralf; Kusternig, Alexander; Wimmer, Michael
Physically Guided Animation of Trees
Diener, Julien; Rodriguez, Mathieu; Baboud, Lionel; Reveret, Lionel
Wind projection basis for real-time animation of trees
Wither, J.; Boudon, F.; Cani, M.-P.; Godin, C.
Structure from silhouettes: a new paradigm for fast sketch-based design of trees
Eigensatz, Michael; Pauly, Mark
Positional, Metric, and Curvature Control for Constraint-Based Surface Deformation
Otaduy, Miguel A.; Tamstorf, Rasmus; Steinemann, Denis; Gross, Markus
Implicit Contact Handling for Deformable Objects
Thomaszewski, Bernhard; Pabst, Simon; Strasser, Wolfgang
Continuum-based Strain Limiting
Jarosz, Wojciech; Carr, Nathan A.; Jensen, Henrik Wann
Importance Sampling Spherical Harmonics
Weber, Ofir; Ben-Chen, Mirela; Gotsman, Craig
Complex Barycentric Coordinates with Applications to Planar Shape Deformation
Sykora, Daniel; Dingliana, John; Collins, Steven
LazyBrush: Flexible Painting Tool for Hand-drawn Cartoons
Sen, Pradeep; Darabi, Soheil
Compressive Dual Photography
Ancuti, Cosmin; Ancuti, Codruta Orniana; Bekaert, Philippe
Deblurring by Matching
Shapira, L.; Shamir, A.; Cohen-Or, D.
Image Appearance Exploration by Model-Based Navigation
Takahashi, Shigeo; Yoshida, Kenichi; Kwon, Taesoo; Lee, Kang Hoon; Lee, Jehee; Shin, Sung Yong
Spectral-Based Group Formation Control
Lamarche, F.
TopoPlan: a topological path planner for real time human navigation under floor and ceiling constraints
Banf, Michael and Blanz, Volker
Example-Based Rendering of Eye Movements
Lu, Jianye; Dorsey, Julie; Rushmeier, Holly
Dominant Texture and Diffusion Distance Manifolds
Okabe, Makoto; Anjyo, Ken; Igarashi, Takeo; Seidel, Hans-Peter
Animating Pictures of Fluid using Video Examples
Wennersten, Per; Stroem, Jacob
Table-based Alpha Compression
Bokeloh, M.; Berner, A.; Wand, M.; Seidel, H.-P.; Schilling, A.
Symmetry Detection Using Feature Lines
Yeh, Yi-Ting; Mech, Radomir
Detecting Symmetries and Curvilinear Arrangements in Vector Art
Vieira, Thales; Bordignon, Alex; Peixoto, Adelailson; Tavares, Geovan; Lopes, Helio; Velho, Luiz; Lewiner, Thomas
Learning good views through intelligent galleries