Eurographics 2004 - Tutorials 2004
Magnenat-Thalmann, N.; Cordier, F.; Keckeisen, M.; Kimmerle, S.; Klein, R.; Meseth, J.
Simulation of Clothes for Real-time Applications
Cignoni, P.; De Floriani, L.; Lindstrom, P.; Pascucci, V.; Rossignac, J.; Silva, C.
Multi-resolution Modeling, Visualization and Streaming of Volume Meshes
Hildenbrand, Dietmar; Perwass, Christian; Dorst, Leo; Fontijne, Daniel
Geometric Algebra and its Application to Computer Graphics
Guilbert, Oskar
RenderWare: Speed up the 3D Application Production Pipeline
Zeller, Cyril; Fernando, Randy; Wloka, Matthias; Harris, Mark
Programming Graphics Hardware
Delingette, H.; Linney, A.; Magnenat-Thalmann, N.; Wu, Yin; Bartz, D.; Hauth, M.; Mueller, K.
Advanced Virtual Medicine: Techniques and Applications for Medicine Oriented Computer Graphics
Thalmann, D.; Magnenat-Thalmann, N.; Donikian, S.
Automatic Generation of Animated Population in Virtual Environments
Bimber, Oliver; Raskar, Ramesh
Modern Approaches to Augmented Reality