Eurographics 2006 - Education Papers 2006

Preface and Table of Contents

Domik, Gitta; Goetz, Frank
A Breadth-First Approach for Teaching Computer Graphics

Davis, Timothy A.
Graphics-Based Learning in First-Year Computer Science

Beckhaus, Steffi; Blom, Kristopher J.
Teaching, Exploring, Learning Developing Tutorials for In-Class Teaching and Self-Learning

Kaufmann, Hannes; Csisinko, Mathis; Totter, Alexandra
Long Distance Distribution of Educational Augmented Reality Applications

Rankin, Yolanda; Gold, Rachel; Gooch, Bruce
3D Role-Playing Games as Language Learning Tools

Vera, Lucia; Campos, Ruben; Herrera, Gerardo; Sebastian, Beleu
Computer Graphics Applications in the Education Process of People with Learning Difficulties

Andújar, Carlos; Vázquez, Pere-Pau
A Programmable Tutor for OpenGL Transformations

Bailey, Mike
Teaching OpenGL Shaders: Hands-on, Interactive, and Immediate Feedback

Dias, Paulo; Madeira, Joaquim; Santos, Beatriz Sousa
Using VTK as a Tool for Teaching and Applying Computer Graphics

Miyai, Ayumi; Nakamura, Tagiru; Mikami, Koji; Kawashima, Motonobu; Yamaguchi, Yasushi
Evaluation Test for 3D Computer Graphics Content Production Capability based on Simulation Methodology

Mohler, James L.
Compter Graphics Education: Where and How Do We Develop Spatial Ability?

Souleles, Nicos
Learning and Assessment: Staff Conceptions of Final Projects for an Undergraduate Multimedia Design Degree