Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware 1987
Ovennars, Mark H.
New Algorithms for Computer Graphics
Kuijk, A.A.M.; Hagen, P.J. W. ten; Akman, V.
An Exact Incremental Hidden Surface RemovalAlgorithm
Skyttä, Jorma; Takala, Tapio
Partially Ordered Search Indices in the Organizationof a Fixed Hierarchy
Schneider, Bengt-Olaf
Ray Tracing Rational B-Spline Patches in VLSI
Dévai, F.
An O(log N) Parallel Time Exact Hidden-LineAlgorithm
Finch, H.R; Agate, M.; Garel, A.A.; Lister, P.F.; Grimsdale, RL
A Multiple Application Graphics Integrated CircuitMAGIC II
Kaufman, Arie
A Two-Dimensional Frame Buffer Processor
Möller, Reinhard
Comparison of Two Floatin~Point Arithmetic Unitsfor a Precomputer in a Graphics System forReal Time Simulation
Winser, Paul
3D Graphics For Consumer Applications -How Realistic Does it Have to Be?
Akman, Varol; Hagen, Paul ten; Kuijk, Fons
A Vector-like Architecture for Raster Graphics
Claussen, Ute
Parallel Subpixel Scanconversion
Denault, Damian; Ryherd, Eric; Torborg, John
VLSI Drawing Processor Utilizing Multiple ParallelScan-Line Processors
Eyles, John; Austint, John; Fuchs, Henry; Greer, Trey; Poulton, John
Pixel-Planes 4: A Summary
Jackèl, D.
Reconstructing Solids from Tomographic Scans --The PARCUM II System-·
Jansen, Frederik W.
A Multi-Processor Workstationwith a Logic-Enhanced Distributed Frame Buffer
Meriaux, Michel
Cellular Architectures and Algorithmsfor Image Synthesis