Computer Graphics Forum 1988 / CGF 7 - 3
Willis, P. J.; Walters, G. W.
Colour Raster Operations
Dufourd, Jean-Francois
Construction of Interactive Programs in Computer Graphics
Day, A. M.
Planar Convex Hull Algorithms in Theory and Practice
Roch, Michel; Weber, Jacques; Pellegrini, Christian
3D Images of Molecular Properties by Triangulation of Contour Lines
Milanese, V.
A Proposal for a Distributed Model of GKS Based on Prolog
Owen, Jon
Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design Literature: A Keyword-Indexed Bibliography for the Year 1987
Owen, J.
Book Reviews
Mumford, Dr Anne
Integrating at NCGA
Eurographics Workshop on Conformance Testing of the Computer Graphics Interface (CGI)
Hopgood, F.R.A.
EUROGRAPHICS 89 Hamburg, 4-8 September 1989
7th EUROGRAPHICS UK Conference
Eurographics Workshops and Book Board Future Directions for Computer Graphics Teaching
GKS Binding to Occam 2
Computer Graphics Mailing List
HCI International 89 Third International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Calendar of Events
P.A. Firby and D.J. Stone"Interference in Computer Graphics"
General Assembly of the EUROGRAPHICS Association
EUROGRAPHlCS UK Chapter 7th Annual General Meeting 7 April 1988 at the University of Sussex
Offers to EUROGRAPHICS Members