Computer Graphics Forum 2002 / CGF 21 - 3
Terzopoulos, Demetri
Artificial Animals and Humans: From Physics to Intelligence
Ertl, Thomas
Interactive Visualization with Programmable Graphics Hardware
Scopigno, Roberto
3D Scanning Technology: Capabilities and Issues
Desbrun, Mathieu; Meyer, Mark; Alliez, Pierre
Intrinsic Parameterizations of Surface Meshes
Shlafman, Shymon; Tal, Ayellet; Katz, Sagi
Metamorphosis of Polyhedral Surfaces using Decomposition
Lee, Y.; Lee, S.
Geometric Snakes for Triangular Meshes
Martin, D.; Fekete, J.D.; Torres, J. C.
Flattening 3D objects using silhouettes
Isenberg, Tobias; Halper, Nick; Strothotte, Thomas
Stylizing Silhouettes at Interactive Rates: From Silhouette Edges to Silhouette Strokes
Takahashi, Shigeo; Ohta, Naoya; Nakamura, Hiroko; Takeshima, Yuriko; Fujishiro, Issei
Modeling Surperspective Projection of Landscapes for Geographical Guide-Map Generation
Ar, Sigal; Montag, Gil; Tal, Ayellet
Deferred, Self-Organizing BSP Trees
Redon, Stephane; Kheddar, Abderrahmane; Coquillart, Sabine
Fast Continuous Collision Detection between Rigid Bodies
Marchand, Eric; Chaumette, Francois
Virtual Visual Servoing: a framework for real-time augmented reality
Xu, Songhua; Tang, Min; Lau, Francis; Pan, Yunhe
A Solid Model Based Virtual Hairy Brush
Winnemoller, Holger; Bangay, Shaun
Geometric Approximations Towards Free Specular Comic Shading
Diepstraten, J.; Weiskopf, D.; Ertl, T.
Transparency in Interactive Technical Illustrations
Cordier, Frederic; Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia
Real-time Animation of Dressed Virtual Humans
Oore, Sageev; Terzopoulos, Demetri; Hinton, Geoffrey
Local Physical Models for Interactive Character Animation
Pai, Dinesh K.
STRANDS: Interactive Simulation of Thin Solids using Cosserat Models
Scheib, Vincent; Haber, Jorg; Lin, Ming C.; Seidel, Hans-Peter
Efficient Fitting and Rendering of Large Scattered Data Sets Using Subdivision Surfaces
Giesen, Joachim; John, Matthias
Surface reconstruction based on a dynamical system?
Ohbuchi, 1 Ryutarou; Mukaiyama, 1 Akio; Takahashi, 2 Shigeo
A Frequency-Domain Approach to Watermarking 3D Shapes
Lee, Haeyoung; Alliez, Pierre; Desbrun, Mathieu
Angle-Analyzer: A Triangle-Quad Mesh Codec
Walter, Bruce; Pattanaik, Sumanta N.; Greenberg, Donald P.
Using Perceptual Texture Masking for Efficient Image Synthesis
Dischler, J.-M.; Maritaud, K.; Levy, B.; Ghazanfarpour, D.
Texture Particles
Balmelli, Laurent; Taubin, Gabriel; Bernardini, Fausto
Space-Optimized Texture Maps
Kim, Dongho; Hahn, James K.
Projective Texture Mapping with Full Panorama
Ayasse, Jorg; Muller, Heinrich
Sculpturing on Discrete Displacement Fields
Winter, Andrew S.; Chen, Min
Image-Swept Volumes
Pascucci, V.
Slow Growing Subdivision (SGS) in Any Dimension: Towards Removing the Curse of Dimensionality
Ren, Liu; Pfister, Hanspeter; Zwicker, Matthias
Object Space EWA Surface Splatting: A Hardware Accelerated Approach to High Quality Point Rendering
Hidalgo, Eduardo; Hubbold, Roger J.
Hybrid Geometric - Image Based Rendering
Wand, M.; Strasser, W.
Multi-Resolution Rendering of Complex Animated Scenes
Cobzas, Dana; Yerex, Keith; Jagersand, Martin
Dynamic Textures for Image-based Rendering of Fine-Scale 3D Structure and Animation of Non-rigid Motion
Matsuoka, H.; Takeuchi, T.; Kitazawa, H.; Onozawa, A.
Representation of Pseudo Inter-reflection and Transparency by Considering Characteristics of Human Vision
Lee, Sung Chun; Jung, Soon Ki; Nevatia, Ram
Automatic Integration of Facade Textures into 3D Building Models with a Projective Geometry Based Line Clustering
Wang, Jianning; Oliveira, Manuel M.
Improved Scene Reconstruction from Range Images
Kelemen, Csaba; Szirmay-Kalos, Laszlo; Antal, Gyorgy; Csonka, Ferenc
A Simple and Robust Mutation Strategy for the Metropolis Light Transport Algorithm
Hey, Heinrich; Purgathofer, Werner
Advanced Radiance Estimation For Photon Map Global Illumination
Scheel, Annette; Stamminger, Marc; Seidel, Hans-Peter
Grid Based Final Gather for Radiosity on Complex Clustered Scenes
Kollig, Thomas; Keller, Alexander
Efficient Multidimensional Sampling
Streit, L.; Heidrich, W.
A Biologically-Parameterized Feather Model
Daubert, Katja; Seidel, Hans-Peter
Hardware-Based Volumetric Knit-Wear
Karpenko, Olga; Hughes, John F.; Raskar, Ramesh
Free-form sketching with variational implicit surfaces
Theisel, H.
Designing 2D Vector Fields of Arbitrary Topology
Bordoloi, Udeepta; Shen, Han-Wei
Hardware Accelerated Interactive Vector Field Visualization: A level of detail approach
Color Section