Smart Tools and Apps for Graphics - Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference 2017

Giachetti, Andrea; Pingi, Paolo; Stanco, Filippo
Smart Tools and Applications in computer Graphics - Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference 2017: Frontmatter

Fanni, Filippo A.; Cherchi, Gianmarco; Scateni, Riccardo
Polycube-based Decomposition for Fabrication

Caputo, Fabio Marco; Prebianca, Pietro; Carcangiu, Alessandro; Spano, Lucio D.; Giachetti, Andrea
A 3 Cent Recognizer: Simple and Effective Retrieval and Classification of Mid-air Gestures from Single 3D Traces

Livesu, Marco
Heat Flow Based Relaxation of n Dimensional Discrete Hyper Surfaces

Company, Pedro; Varley, Peter A. C.; Plumed, Raquel
Perimeter Detection in Sketched Drawings of Polyhedral Shapes

Calì, Corrado; Agus, Marco; Gagnon, Nicholas; Hadwiger, Markus; Magistretti, Pierre J.
Visual Analysis of Glycogen Derived Lactate Absorption in Dense and Sparse Surface Reconstructions of Rodent Brain Structures

Caputo, Fabio Marco; Emporio, Marco; Giachetti, Andrea
Single-Handed vs. Two Handed Manipulation in Virtual Reality: A Novel Metaphor and Experimental Comparisons

Milotta, Filippo L. M.; Bellocchi, Michele; Battiato, Sebastiano
The Social Picture: Advanced Image Analysis Applications

Cannavò, Alberto; Lamberti, Fabrizio
User Interaction Feedback in a Hand-Controlled Interface for Robot Team Tele-operation Using Wearable Augmented Reality

Tanasi, Davide; Milotta, Filippo L. M.; Gradante, Ilenia; Stanco, Filippo; Kaplan, Howard
A Digital Approach for the Study of Roman Signacula From Syracuse, Sicily

Saba, Marianna; Sorrentino, Fabio; Muntoni, Alessandro; Casti, Sara; Cherchi, Gianmarco; Carcangiu, Alessandro; Corda, Fabrizio; Murru, Alessio; Spano, Lucio Davide; Scateni, Riccardo; Vitali, Ilaria; Salvetti, Ovidio; Magrini, Massimo; Villa, Andrea; Carboni, Andrea; Pascali, Maria Antonietta
A Seamless Pipeline for the Acquisition of the Body Shape: the Virtuoso Case Study

Tomasello, Simone Federico; Pazzi, Miriam Caterina
3D Reconstruction of Facade and the Statues of the Church ''Maria Santissima dell'Elemosina'' in Biancavilla