ICAT-EGVE 2021 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments - Posters and Demos 2021
Saling, F.; Bernhardt, D.; Lysek, A.; Smekal, M.
Diegetic vs. Non-Diegetic GUIs: What do Virtual Reality Players Prefer?
Scherfgen, David; Schild, Jonas
Estimating the Pose of a Medical Manikin for Haptic Augmentation of a Virtual Patient in Mixed Reality Training
Taipina, Daniel; Cardoso, Jorge C. S.
The Spectare Device for Experiencing Stereoscopic Photographs --
Best Poster Award
Bönsch, Andrea; Güths, Katharina; Ehret, Jonathan; Kuhlen, Torsten W.
Indirect User Guidance by Pedestrians in Virtual Environments
Fischer, N.; Schellenbach, M.
Simulation of a Virtual Reality Environment for Cognitive and Motoric Testing with Unity and a Mechanical Treadmill
Pavlov, A. S.; Israel, J. H.; Keppler, S.
Evaluation of Optimization Strategies for Synchronization of Fine Motor Movements in Distributed Real-Time Systems