Computer Graphics Forum 1994 / CGF 13 - 4
Pla-Garcia, N.
Recovering a Smooth Boundary Representation from an Edge Quadtree and from a Face Octree
Paterna , F.; Campari, I.; Scopigno, R.
The Design and Specification of a Visual Language: An Example for Customising Geographic Information Systems Functionalities
Schettini, R.
Deriving Spectral, Reflectance Functions of Computer-Simulated Object Colours
Kui, Liu Yong
An All-integer Algorithm for Drawing Anti-aliased Straight Lines
Kuzmin, Yevgeniy P.
Ray Traversal of Spatial Structures
Preston, M.; Hewitt, W. T.
Animation using NURBS
Palamidese, P.; Crise, A.
Animations to Represent Multivariate Data
Mikheev, A.; Nozik, M.; Rubinstein, J.
Computation of Offset Curves by the Huygens Principle