Computer Graphics Forum 2007 / CGF 26 - 2
Duke, David; Scopigno, Roberto
Sabha, M.; Peers, P.; Dutre, P.
Texture Synthesis using Exact Neighborhood Matching
Vazquez, P.-P.
Automatic Light Source Placement for Maximum Visual Information Recovery
Li, Q.
Smooth Piecewise Polynomial Blending Operations for Implicit Shapes
Servin, M.; Lacoursiere, C.
Massless Cable for Real-time Simulation
Li, G.; Ma, W.
A Method for Constructing Interpolatory Subdivision Schemes and Blending Subdivisions
Eisemann, E.; Decoret, X.
On Exact Error Bounds for View-Dependent Simplification
Schnabel, R.; Wahl, R.; Klein, R.
Efficient RANSAC for Point-Cloud Shape Detection
Pons, J.-P.; Boissonnat, J.-D.
A Lagrangian Approach to Dynamic Interfaces through Kinetic Triangulation of the Ambient Space
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering Nicosia, Cyprus, June 26-28, 2006
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering Nicosia, Cyprus, June 26-28, 2006