Computer Graphics Forum 1989 / CGF 8 - 1
Arnold, David; de Ruiter, Behr
Arabnia, H.R.; Oliver, M.A.
A Transputer Network for Fast Operations on Digitised Images
Arnold, D.B.; Hinds, M.R.
On Implementing Parallel GKS
Neumann, Laszlo; Neumann, Attila
Photosimulation: Interreflection with Arbitrary Reflectance Models and Illumination
van Berkel, Pierre
SIAS, Strokes Interpreted Animated Sequences
Wyrwas, K.M.; Hewitt, W.T.
A Survey of GKS and PfflGS Implementations October 1988
Suzjevic, V.
Report of the Third International Conference on Computer Graphics June 22-24, 1988, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia
EUROGRAPHICS 89 Hamburg, 4-8 September 1989
Purgathofer, W.; Schonhut, J.
Interesting New Tutorial Topics at Eurgraphics 89
Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware
Calendar of Events
Offers to EUROGRAPHICS Members