Computer Graphics Forum 2016 / CGF 35 - 5
Maks Ovsjanikov; Daniele Panozzo
SGP 2016: Frontmatter
Campen, Marcel; Ibing, Moritz; Ebke, Hans-Christian; Zorin, Denis; Kobbelt, Leif
Scale-Invariant Directional Alignment of Surface Parametrizations
Cherchi, Gianmarco; Livesu, Marco; Scateni, Riccardo
Polycube Simplification for Coarse Layouts of Surfaces and Volumes
Adsul, Bharat; Machchhar, Jinesh; Sohoni, Milind
Incorporating Sharp Features in the General Solid Sweep Framework
Segall, Aviv; Ben-Chen, Mirela
Iterative Closest Conformal Maps between Planar Domains
Chen, Renjie; Gotsman, Craig
Complex Transfinite Barycentric Mappings with Similarity Kernels
Azencot, Omri; Vantzos, Orestis; Ben-Chen, Mirela
Advection-Based Function Matching on Surfaces
Tao, Michael; Solomon, Justin; Butscher, Adrian
Near-Isometric Level Set Tracking
Li, Hao; Wan, Guowei; Li, Honghua; Sharf, Andrei; Xu, Kai; Chen, Baoquan
Mobility Fitting using 4D RANSAC
Guo, Xuekun; Lin, Juncong; Xu, Kai; Chaudhuri, Siddhartha; Jin, Xiaogang
CustomCut: On-demand Extraction of Customized 3D Parts with 2D Sketches
Schumacher, Christian; Thomaszewski, Bernhard; Gross, Markus
Stenciling: Designing Structurally-Sound Surfaces with Decorative Patterns
Heeren, Behrend; Rumpf, Martin; Schröder, Peter; Wardetzky, Max; Wirth, Benedikt
Splines in the Space of Shells
Ganapathi-Subramanian, Vignesh; Thibert, Boris; Ovsjanikov, Maks; Guibas, Leonidas
Stable Region Correspondences Between Non-Isometric Shapes
Litany, Or; Rodolà, Emanuele; Bronstein, Alex M.; Bronstein, Michael M.; Cremers, Daniel
Non-Rigid Puzzles
Ureta, Francisca Gil; Tymms, Chelsea; Zorin, Denis
Interactive Modeling of Mechanical Objects
Zhang, Xiaoting; Le, Xinyi; Wu, Zihao; Whiting, Emily; Wang, Charlie C. L.
Data-Driven Bending Elasticity Design by Shell Thickness
Ohrhallinger, Stefan; Mitchell, Scott A.; Wimmer, Michael
Curve Reconstruction with Many Fewer Samples
Parakkat, Amal Dev; Muthuganapathy, Ramanathan
Crawl through Neighbors: A Simple Curve Reconstruction Algorithm
Grosso, Roberto
Construction of Topologically Correct and Manifold Isosurfaces
Kermani, Zeinab Sadeghipour; Liao, Zicheng; Tan, Ping; Zhang, Hao (Richard)
Learning 3D Scene Synthesis from Annotated RGB-D Images
Lim, Isaak; Gehre, Anne; Kobbelt, Leif
Identifying Style of 3D Shapes using Deep Metric Learning
Shi, Zeyun; Alliez, Pierre; Desbrun, Mathieu; Bao, Hujun; Huang, Jin
Symmetry and Orbit Detection via Lie-Algebra Voting
Bennett, Huck; Papadopoulou, Evanthia; Yap, Chee
Planar Minimization Diagrams via Subdivision with Applications to Anisotropic Voronoi Diagrams
Manak, Martin
Exploration of Empty Space among Spherical Obstacles via Additively Weighted Voronoi Diagram
Ebeida, Mohamed S.; Rushdi, Ahmad A.; Awad, Muhammad A.; Mahmoud, Ahmed H.; Yan, Dong-Ming; English, Shawn A.; Owens, John D.; Bajaj, Chandrajit L.; Mitchell, Scott A.
Disk Density Tuning of a Maximal Random Packing
Váša, Libor; Vaněček, Petr; Prantl, Martin; Skorkovská, Věra; Martínek, Petr; Kolingerová, Ivana
Mesh Statistics for Robust Curvature Estimation
Boulch, Alexandre; Marlet, Renaud
Deep Learning for Robust Normal Estimation in Unstructured Point Clouds