Langer, Torsten
On Generalized Barycentric Coordinates and Their Applications in Geometric Modeling
Shi, Kuangyu
Path-line Oriented Visualization of Dynamical Flow Fields
de Aguiar, Edilson
Animation and Performance Capture using Digitalized Models
Annen, Thomas
Efficient Shadow Map Filtering
Bargmann, Robert
Learning-Based Facial Animation
Bruckner, Stefan
Interactive Illustrative Volume Visualization
Charalambos, Jean Pierre
HLOD Refinement Driven by Hardware Occlusion Queries
Chen, Tongbo
New 3D Scanning Techniques for Complex Scenes
Fratarcangeli, Marco
A Computational Musco-Skeletal Model for Animating Virtual Faces
Fuchs, Raphael
The Visible Vortex Interactive Analysis and Extraction of Vortices in Large Time-dependent Flow
Freiherr von Funck, Wolfram Alexander
Shape Deformations Based on Vector Fields
Fuchs, Martin
Advanced Methods for Relightable Scene Representations in Image Space
Smith, Kaleigh
Contours and contrast
Wuest, Harald
Efficient Line and Patch Feature Characterization and Management for Real-time Camera Tracking
Yoshida, Akiko
Evaluation and Enhancement of HDR Image Appearance on Displaysof Varying Dynamic Range