Computer Graphics Forum 1991 / CGF 10 - 1
Adelson, Stephen J.; Bentley, Jeffrey B.; Chong, In Seok and Hodges, Larry F. and Winograd, Joseph
Simultaneous Generation of Stereoscopic Views
Damnjanovic, Ljiljana B.
The Formal Specification of Level la of GKS
Hardenbergh, Jan; Michener, James
Integrating PHIGS and User Interface Systems
Neelamkavil, F.; Mullarney, O.
A Methodology And Tool Set For Supporting The Development Of Graphical User Interfaces
Willis, Philip; Hunter, Andrew
A Picture Archive Browser
Bakker, Miente
Triangle Sets in PHIGS PLUS: a Valuable Link with Finite Element Modeling
Szyszkowicz, Mieczyslaw
Block Iterations in the Complex Plane