Computer Graphics Forum 2010 / CGF 29 - 6
Joan-Arinyo, Robert; Pereira, Joao Madeiras
Guest Editorial
Pina, J.L.; Seron, F.; Cerezo, E.
BqR-Tree: A Data Structure for Flights and Walkthroughs in Urban Scenes with Mobile Elements
Soares, L. P.; Pires, F.; Varela, R.; Bastos, R.; Carvalho, N.; Gaspar, F.; Dias, M. S.
Designing a Highly Immersive Interactive Environment: The Virtual Mine
Li, H.; Leow, W. K.; Chiu, I.-S.
Elastic Tubes: Modeling Elastic Deformation of Hollow Tubes
Jaenicke, H.; Scheuermann, G.
Measuring Complexity in Lagrangian and Eulerian Flow Descriptions
Oeztuerk, Aydin; Kurt, Murat; Bilgili, Ahmet
A Copula-Based BRDF Model
McLoughlin, Tony; Laramee, Robert S.; Peikert, Ronald; Post, Frits H.; Chen, Min
Over Two Decades of Integration-Based, Geometric Flow Visualization
Hillaire, S.; Breton, G.; Ouarti, N.; Cozot, R.; Lecuyer, A.
Using a Visual Attention Model to Improve Gaze Tracking Systems in Interactive 3D Applications
Coll, N.; Paradinas, T.
Accurate Simplification of Multi-Chart Textured Models
Suessmuth, J.; Meyer, Q.; Greiner, G.
Surface Reconstruction Based on Hierarchical Floating Radial Basis Functions
Zhang, H.; Van Kaick, O.; Dyer, R.
Spectral Mesh Processing
Hao, M. C.; Sharma, R. K.; Keim, D. A.; Dayal, U.; Patel, C.; Vennelakanti, R.
Application of Visual Analytics for Thermal State Management in Large Data Centres
Attene, Marco; Patane, Giuseppe
Hierarchical Structure Recovery of Point-Sampled Surfaces
Vasa, Libor; Skala, Vaclav
Geometry-Driven Local Neighbourhood Based Predictors for Dynamic Mesh Compression
Wetzstein, Gordon; Heidrich, Wolfgang; Luebke, David
Optical Image Processing Using Light Modulation Displays
Landreneau, Eric; Schaefer, Scott
Poisson-Based Weight Reduction of Animated Meshes
Georgiev, T.; Lumsdaine, A.
Reducing Plenoptic Camera Artifacts
Gois, Joao Paulo; Buscaglia, Gustavo C.
Resampling Strategies for Deforming MLS Surfaces
Buchholz, Bert; Boubekeur, Tamy; DeCarlo, Doug; Alexa, Marc
Binary Shading Using Appearance and Geometry
Hoberock, Jared; Hart, John C.
Arbitrary Importance Functions for Metropolis Light Transport
Isenberg, Tobias; Dodgson, Neil
Computational Aesthetics 2010 in London, England, June 14-15, 2010, sponsored by Eurographics, in collaboration with ACM SIGGRAPH
Peters, Ph.D, Thomas J.
Letters to the Editors