Computer Graphics Forum 2004 / CGF 23 - 1 


Vinayagamoorthy, V.; Garau, M.; Steed, A.; Slater, M.
An Eye Gaze Model for Dyadic Interaction in an Immersive Virtual Environment: Practice and Experience

Borro, D.; Garcia-Alonso, A.; Matey, L.
Approximation of Optimal Voxel Size for Collision Detection in Maintainability Simulations within Massive Virtual Environments

Vilbrandt, C.; Pasko, G.; Pasko, A.; Fayolle, P.-A.; Vilbrandt, T.; Goodwin, J. R.; Goodwin, J. M.; Kunii, T. L.
Cultural Heritage Preservation Using Constructive Shape Modeling

Castro, F.; Sbert, M.; Neumann, L.
Fast Multipath Radiosity using Hierarchical Subscenes

Li, Q.; Wills, D.; Phillips, R.; Viant, W. J.; Griffiths, J. G.; Ward, J.
Implicit Fitting Using Radial Basis Functions with Ellipsoid Constraint

Tai, Chiew-Lan; Zhang, Hongxin; Fong, Jacky Chun-Kin
Prototype Modeling from Sketched Silhouettes based on Convolution Surfaces

Kautz, Jan
Hardware Lighting and Shading: a Survey

Kunz, Dr. Andreas
7th International Workshop on Immersive Projection Technology and 9th Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments

SCA 2003 Chairs
Second Annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA 2003)

Duce, David; Torres, Juan Carlos
Eurographics 2003

Kobbelt, Leif; Schoeder, Peter; Hoppe, Hugues
Symposium on Geometry Processing

Fujishiro, Issei; Mueller, Klaus; Kaufman, Arie
Volume Graphics 2003

Lagae, Ares; Masselus, Vincent; Dutre, Philip
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2003

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