Computer Graphics Forum 2017 / CGF 36 - 2 

Ostromoukov, Victor; Zwicker, Matthias
EUROGRAPHICS 2017: State of the Art Reports Frontmatter

Bermano, Amit Haim; Funkhouser, Thomas; Rusinkiewicz, Szymon
State of the Art in Methods and Representations for Fabrication-Aware Design

Livesu, Marco; Ellero, Stefano; Martínez, Jonàs; Lefebvre, Sylvain; Attene, Marco
From 3D Models to 3D Prints: An Overview of the Processing Pipeline

Eilertsen, Gabriel; Mantiuk, Rafal K.; Unger, Jonas
A Comparative Review of Tone-mapping Algorithms for High Dynamic Range Video

Bonneel, Nicolas; Kovacs, Balazs; Paris, Sylvain; Bala, Kavita
Intrinsic Decompositions for Image Editing

Weier, Martin; Stengel, Michael; Roth, Thorsten; Didyk, Piotr; Eisemann, Elmar; Eisemann, Martin; Grogorick, Steve; Hinkenjann, André; Kruijff, Ernst; Magnor, Marcus; Myszkowski, Karol; Slusallek, Philipp
Perception-driven Accelerated Rendering