Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 2001

@inproceedings {N20465:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Thrifty Final Gather for Radiosity}},
author = {Scheel, Annette and Stamminger, Marc and Seidel, Hans-Peter},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/001-012}
@inproceedings {N203C5:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Reflected and Transmitted Irradiance from Area Sources using Vertex Tracing}},
author = {Stark, Michael M. and Riesenfeld, Richard F.},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/013-024}
@inproceedings {N20379:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Simulating Non-Lambertian Phenomena Involving Linearly-Varying Luminaires}},
author = {Chen, Min and Arvo, James},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/025-038}
@inproceedings {N202B7:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{An Illumination Model for a Skin Layer Bounded by Rough Surfaces}},
author = {Stam, Jos},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/039-052}
@inproceedings {N20081:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Real-time, Photo-realistic, Physically Based Rendering of Fine Scale Human Skin Structure}},
author = {Haroy, Antonio and Guenterz, Brian and Essay, Irfan},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/053-062}
@inproceedings {N2043B:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Efficient Cloth Modeling and Rendering}},
author = {Daubert, Katja and Lensch, Hendrik P. A. and Heidrich, Wolfgang and Seidel, Hans-Peter},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/063-070}
@inproceedings {N200A9:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Decoupling Strokes and High-Level Attributes for Interactive Traditional Drawing}},
author = {Durand, Frédo and Ostromoukhov, Victor and Miller, Mathieu and Duranleau, Francois and Dorsey, Julie},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/071-082}
@inproceedings {N20411:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Artistic Composition for Image Creation}},
author = {Gooch, Bruce and Reinhard, Erik and Moulding, Chris and Shirley, Peter},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/083-088}
@inproceedings {N2034F:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Shader Lamps: Animating Real Objects With Image-Based Illumination}},
author = {Raskar, Ramesh and Welch, Greg and Low, Kok-Lim and Bandyopadhyay, Deepak},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/089-101}
@inproceedings {N2028B:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Image-Based Reconstruction of Spatially Varying Materials}},
author = {Lensch, Hendrik P. A. and Kautz, Jan and Goesele, Michael and Heidrich, Wolfgang and Seidel, Hans-Peter},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/103-114}
@inproceedings {N20215:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Polyhedral Visual Hulls for Real-Time Rendering}},
author = {Matusik, Wojciech and Buehler, Chris and McMillan, Leonard},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/115-126}
@inproceedings {N20127:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{TheWavelet Stream: Interactive Multi Resolution Light Field Rendering}},
author = {Peter, Ingmar and Straßer, Wolfgang},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/127-138}
@inproceedings {N20031:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Differential Point Rendering}},
author = {Kalaiah, Aravind and Varshney, Amitabh},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/139-150}
@inproceedings {N2039F:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Interactive Sampling and Rendering for Complex and Procedural Geometry}},
author = {Stamminger, Marc and Drettakis, George},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/151-162}
@inproceedings {N20327:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Point-Based Impostors for Real-Time Visualization}},
author = {Wimmer, Michael and Wonka, Peter and Sillion, Francois},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/163-176}
@inproceedings {N2023D:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Opacity Shadow Maps}},
author = {Kim, Tae-Yong and Neumann, Ulrich},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/177-182}
@inproceedings {N200FF:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Interactive Rendering of Trees with Shading and Shadows}},
author = {Meyer, Alexandre and Neyret, Fabrice and Poulin, Pierre},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/183-196}
@inproceedings {N2014D:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Combined Rendering of Polarization and Fluorescence Effects}},
author = {Wilkie, Alexander and Tobler, Robert F. and Purgathofer, Werner},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/197-204}
@inproceedings {N2019D:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Hardware-accelerated from-region visibility using a dual ray space}},
author = {Koltun, Vladlen and Chrysanthou, Yiorgos and Cohen-Or, Daniel},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/205-216}
@inproceedings {N20009:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Real-Time Occlusion Culling with a Lazy Occlusion Grid}},
author = {Hey, Heinrich and Tobler, Robert F. and Purgathofer, Werner},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/217-221}
@inproceedings {N202DB:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Perceptually Driven Simplification for Interactive Rendering}},
author = {Luebke, David and Hallen, Benjamin},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/223-234}
@inproceedings {N201C5:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Measuring the Perception of Visual Realism in Images}},
author = {Rademacher, Paul and Lengyel, Jed and Cutrell, Edward and Whitted, Turner},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/235-248}
@inproceedings {N20175:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{A Perceptually-Based Texture Caching Algorithm for Hardware-Based Rendering}},
author = {Dumont, Reynald and Pellacini, Fabio and Ferwerda, James A.},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/249-256}
@inproceedings {N20301:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Path differentials and applications}},
author = {Suykens, Frank and Willems, Yves D.},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/257-268}
@inproceedings {N203EB:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Interleaved Sampling}},
author = {Keller, Alexander and Heidrich, Wolfgang},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/269-276}
@inproceedings {N20263:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Interactive Distributed Ray Tracing of Highly Complex Models}},
author = {Wald, Ingo and Slusallek, Philipp and Benthin, Carsten},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/277-288}
@inproceedings {N201EF:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Realistic Reflections and Refractions on Graphics HardwareWith Hybrid Rendering and Layered Environment Maps}},
author = {Hakura, Ziyad S. and Snyder, John M.},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/289-300}
@inproceedings {N20057:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Texture and Shape Synthesis on Surfaces}},
author = {Ying, Lexing and Hertzmann, Aaron and Biermann, Henning and Zorin, Denis},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/301-312}
@inproceedings {N200D5:2001,
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering},
editor = {S. J. Gortle and K. Myszkowski},
title = {{Real-Time High-Dynamic Range Texture Mapping}},
author = {Cohen, Jonathan and Tchou, Chris and Hawkins, Tim and Debevec, Paul},
year = {2001},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {3-211-83709-4},
DOI = {10.2312/EGWR/EGWR01/313-321}