Geometry Processing 2007

@inproceedings {N20459:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Robust Statistical Estimation of Curvature on Discretized Surfaces}},
author = {Kalogerakis, Evangelos and Simari, Patricio and Nowrouzezahrai, Derek and Singh, Karan},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/013-022}
@inproceedings {N202ED:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Focal Surfaces of Discrete Geometry}},
author = {Yu, Jingyi and Yin, Xiaotian and Gu, Xianfeng and McMillan, Leonard and Gortler, Steven},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/023-032}
@inproceedings {N20299:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Discrete Laplace operators: No free lunch}},
author = {Wardetzky, Max and Mathur, Saurabh and Kaelberer, Felix and Grinspun, Eitan},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/033-037}
@inproceedings {N201EF:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Voronoi-based Variational Reconstruction of Unoriented Point Sets}},
author = {Alliez, Pierre and Cohen-Steiner, David and Tong, Yiying and Desbrun, Mathieu},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/039-048}
@inproceedings {N20219:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Reconstruction of Deforming Geometry from Time-Varying Point Clouds}},
author = {Wand, Michael and Jenke, Philipp and Huang, Qixing and Bokeloh, Martin and Guibas, Leonidas and Schilling, Andreas},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/049-058}
@inproceedings {N20409:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Data-Dependent MLS for Faithful Surface Approximation}},
author = {Lipman, Yaron and Cohen-Or, Daniel and Levin, David},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/059-067}
@inproceedings {N20009:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Multilevel Streaming for Out-of-Core Surface Reconstruction}},
author = {Bolitho, Matthew and Kazhdan, Michael and Burns, Randal and Hoppe, Hugues},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/069-078}
@inproceedings {N20431:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{A Streaming Algorithm for Surface Reconstruction}},
author = {Allegre, Remi and Chaine, Raphaelle and Akkouche, Samir},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/079-088}
@inproceedings {N20273:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Shape Reconstruction from Unorganized Cross-sections}},
author = {Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel and Memari, Pooran},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/089-098}
@inproceedings {N20319:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Elastic Secondary Deformations by Vector Field Integration}},
author = {Funck, Wolfram von and Theisel, Holger and Seidel, Hans-Peter},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/099-108}
@inproceedings {N2019F:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{As-Rigid-As-Possible Surface Modeling}},
author = {Sorkine, Olga and Alexa, Marc},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/109-116}
@inproceedings {N202C3:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{GPU-assisted Positive Mean Value Coordinates for Mesh Deformations}},
author = {Lipman, Yaron and Kopf, Johannes and Cohen-Or, Daniel and Levin, David},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/117-123}
@inproceedings {N201C5:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Unconstrained Isosurface Extraction on Arbitrary Octrees}},
author = {Kazhdan, Michael and Klein, Allison and Dalal, Ketan and Hoppe, Hugues},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/125-133}
@inproceedings {N20033:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Linear Angle Based Parameterization}},
author = {Zayer, Rhaleb and Levy, Bruno and Seidel, Hans-Peter},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/135-141}
@inproceedings {N20341:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Triangulations with Locally Optimal Steiner Points}},
author = {Erten, Hale and Uengoer, Alper},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/143-152}
@inproceedings {N20179:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Example-Based Skeleton Extraction}},
author = {Schaefer, Scott and Yuksel, Can},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/153-162}
@inproceedings {N20247:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Developable Surfaces from Arbitrary Sketched Boundaries}},
author = {Rose, Kenneth and Sheffer, Alla and Wither, Jamie and Cani, Marie-Paule and Thibert, Boris},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/163-172}
@inproceedings {N200AD:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Dynamic Geometry Registration}},
author = {Mitra, Niloy J. and Floery, Simon and Ovsjanikov, Maks and Gelfand, Natasha and Guibas, Leonidas and Pottmann, Helmut},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/173-182}
@inproceedings {N200DB:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Generalized Surface Flows for Mesh Processing}},
author = {Eckstein, Ilya and Pons, Jean-Philippe and Tong, Yiying and Kuo, C.-C. Jay and Desbrun, Mathieu},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/183-192}
@inproceedings {N20083:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Shape Optimization Using Reflection Lines}},
author = {Tosun, Elif and Gingold, Yotam I. and Reisman, Jason and Zorin, Denis},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/193-202}
@inproceedings {N20107:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Constraint-based Fairing of Surface Meshes}},
author = {Hildebrandt, Klaus and Polthier, Konrad},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/203-212}
@inproceedings {N2012D:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Bayesian Surface Reconstruction via Iterative Scan Alignment to an Optimized Prototype}},
author = {Huang, Qi-Xing and Adams, Bart and Wand, Michael},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/213-223}
@inproceedings {N20155:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Laplace-Beltrami Eigenfunctions for Deformation Invariant Shape Representation}},
author = {Rustamov, Raif M.},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/225-233}
@inproceedings {N203E1:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Symmetry-Enhanced Remeshing of Surfaces}},
author = {Podolak, Joshua and Golovinskiy, Aleksey and Rusinkiewicz, Szymon},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/235-242}
@inproceedings {N2038F:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Ridge Based Curve and Surface Reconstruction}},
author = {Suessmuth, Jochen and Greiner, Guenther},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/243-251}
@inproceedings {N203B5:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Surface Reconstruction using Local Shape Priors}},
author = {Gal, Ran and Shamir, Ariel and Hassner, Tal and Pauly, Mark and Or, Daniel Cohen},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/253-262}
@inproceedings {N20367:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Fast Normal Vector Compression with Bounded Error}},
author = {Griffith, E. J. and Koutek, M. and Post, Frits H.},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/263-272}
@inproceedings {N2005B:2007,
booktitle = {Geometry Processing},
editor = {Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland},
title = {{Delaunay Mesh Construction}},
author = {Dyer, Ramsay and Zhang, Hao and Moeller, Torsten},
year = {2007},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-46-3},
DOI = {10.2312/SGP/SGP07/273-282}