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dc.contributor.authorKaufman, Arieen_US
dc.description.abstractA three-dimensional (3D) scan-conversion algorithm, that scanconverts 3D planar polygons into their discrete voxel-map representation within a Cubic Frame Buffer (CFB), is presented. The algorithm, which is a variation of a 2D scan-line filling algorithm, is incremental and uses only simple operations like additions and testy inside the inner loops. The algorithm performs scan-conversion with computational complexity which is linear in the number of voxels written to the CFB. The paper also presents an algorithm that scan-converts polygons clipped to the CFB boundaries with no added time complexity. An all-integer decision mechanism which makes the inner-most loop of the algorithm more efficient is discussed too. All the algorithms guarantee lack of 6-connected "tunnels" in the converted polygons. The algorithms have been implemented as part of the 3D geometry processor of the CUBE Architecture, which is a voxel-based system for 3D graphics. These algorithms allow the' CUBE system to generate the essential primitive polygon within the CFB from a 3D geometric model.en_US
dc.publisherEurographics Associationen_US
dc.titleAn Algorithm for 3D Scan-Conversion of Polygonsen_US
dc.description.seriesinformationEG 1987-Technical Papersen_US

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