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dc.contributor.authorBaird, Bridgeten_US
dc.contributor.authorIzmirli, Özgüren_US
dc.contributor.authorHeacock, Bradforden_US
dc.contributor.authorBlevins, Donalden_US
dc.contributor.editorErik Kjems and Roland Blachen_US
dc.description.abstractCorrelations between attributes in the haptic domain and those in the auditory will assist in multimodal applications. This paper looks at the auditory attributes of pitch and reverberation and the haptic attributes of vibration, size and viscosity and seeks to correlate changes in one of the modalities with changes in the other. A total of 4 pairs of experiments were performed. The results indicate significant correlations in 3 of the pairs: pitch/vibration, pitch/viscosity, reverberation/size. There was no significant correlation found between reverberation and viscosity. These results have significance for designers of multimodal interfaces in virtual environments.en_US
dc.publisherThe Eurographics Associationen_US
dc.subjectCategories and Subject Descriptors: H 1.2 [Information systems] : User/machine Systems, Human Factorsen_US
dc.titleAttribute Correlations between Haptic and Auditory Modalitiesen_US
dc.description.seriesinformationEurographics Symposium on Virtual Environmentsen_US

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