Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Image Based Bio-CAD Modeling and Its Applications to Biomedical and Tissue Engineering 

      Starly, B.; Darling, A.; Gomez, C.; Nam, J.; Sun, W.; Shokoufandeh, A.; Regli, W. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      CAD has been traditionally used to assist in engineering design and modeling for representation, analysis and manufacturing. Advances in Information Technology and in Biomedicine have created new uses for CAD with many ...
    • Tracing Surface Intersection with a Validated ODE System Solver 

      Mukundan, H.; Ko, K. H.; Maekawa, T.; Sakkalis, T.; Patrikalakis, N. M. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      This paper presents a robust method for tracing intersection curve segments between continuous rational parametric surfaces, typically rational polynomial parametric surface patches. The tracing procedure is based on a ...