Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • MODELAR: A MODular and EvaLuative framework to improve surgical Augmented Reality visualization 

      Hattab, Georges; Meyer, Felix; Albrecht, Remke Dirk; Speidel, Stefanie (The Eurographics Association, 2020)
      The use of Augmented Reality (AR) for the visualization of 3D biomedical image data is possible thanks to a growing number of hardware and software solutions. Considerable efforts are made during surgery, where the visual ...
    • PointAO - Improved Ambient Occlusion for Point-based Visualization 

      Eichelbaum, Sebastian; Scheuermann, Gerik; Hlawitschka, Mario (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      The visualization of large amounts of particles, glyphs, and other point-based data plays an important role in many fields of science, among them flow mechanics, molecular dynamics, and medical imaging. The proper perception ...