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Recent Submissions

  • Skin Detection for Hand Gesture Interfaces using Assimilative Background 

    Santurde, Jokin; Borro, Diego; Matey, Luis M. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    This paper describes the study realized about hand movement capture systems oriented to gesture interfaces. Thanks to this study we have developed a skin colour based hand detection application. The state of the art already ...
  • Augmented Reality Assistance in Forest Fire Fighting 

    Vicens, Fernando; Linares, Jordi; Sancho, Sergio (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    Forest fire fighting is unfortunately a very important activity for many fire departments. A forest fire is always a very complex situation to manage, in which lots of ground teams and aircraft have to cooperate in order ...
  • Magic in Augmented Reality 

    Batalha, Joao; Dias, Miguel S. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    In this paper we suggest a new approach for playing the "Magic The Gathering" game. This approach allows the user to perform a set of game moves within this popular card game using a Tangible Augmented Reality (AR) ...
  • Perceived Quality of Simplified Polygonal Meshes: Evaluation using Observer Studies 

    Silva, Samuel; Ferreira, Carlos; Madeira, Joaquim; Santos, Beatriz Sousa (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    The complexity of a polygonal mesh model is usually reduced by applying a simplification method, resulting in a similar mesh having less vertices and faces. Although several such methods have been developed, it is not yet ...
  • Individualizing the New Interfaces: Extraction of User's Emotions from Facial Data 

    Hupont, Isabelle; Cerezo, Eva (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    When developing new multimodal user interfaces emotional user information may be of great interest. In this paper we present a simple and computationally feasible method to perform automatic emotional classification of ...
  • Recognizing Hand Gestures with CALI 

    Jota, Ricardo; Ferreira, Alfredo; Cerejo, Mariana; Santos, José; Fonseca, Manuel J.; Jorge, Joaquim A. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    Human computer interaction techniques that do not rely on devices are often perceived as more natural by users. Many of these, include hand pose recognition as an interaction technique appealing to users. In this paper we ...
  • Boolean Operations in Open-Source Blender Project 

    Freixas, Marc; Grau, Sergi; Silva, David (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    This paper describes the work of a new implementation of the Boolean operations of Blender. Blender is a modelling and animation 3D software with GNU General Public License (GPL). Boolean operations are a useful tool for ...
  • Adaptive trimming of cubic triangular Bézier patches 

    García, Ángel Luis; Miras, Juan Ruiz de; Feito, Francisco R. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    We present a method to handle cubic trimmed triangular Bézier patches. This scheme makes use of levels of detail and surface subdivision to achieve a fast and flexible hierarchical data structure that is specially useful ...
  • Coherent Hierarchical Level-of-Detail (HLOD) Refinement Through Hardware Occlusion Queries 

    Charalambos, Jean Pierre (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    We present a coherent hierarchical level of detail (HLOD) culling algorithm that employs a novel metric to perform the refinement of a HLOD-based system that takes into account visibility information. The information is ...
  • Grid Architecture for Distributed Rendering 

    Fernández-Sorribes, Jose Antonio; González-Morcillo, Carlos; Jiménez-Linares, Luis (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    Rendering is the process by means of which a raster 2D image can be obtained from the definition of a 3D scene. This process is computationally intensive and requires a lot of time to be done when the source scene has ...
  • GPU-based Evaluation of Boolean Operations on Triangulated Solids 

    Ogayar, Carlos Javier; Feito, Francisco R.; Segura, Rafael J.; Rivero, Marilina (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    This paper presents a robust method for evaluating boolean operations on triangle meshes. It is based on a fast and reliable point-in-solid algorithm that works with B-Rep representations. With this method, several boolean ...
  • ArTbitrating JaVox: Evolution Applied to Visual and Sound Composition 

    Moroni, Artemis Sanchez; Manzolli, Jonatas; Zuben, Fernando Von (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    ArTbitrariness is presented here as an initiative of upgrading the esthetical judgment through interactive evolutionary computation techniques and other population based techniques. Computational creativity will be approached, ...
  • Expeditious Modelling of Virtual Urban Environments with Geospatial L-systems 

    Coelho, António; Bessa, Maximino; Sousa, A. Augusto de; Ferreira, F. Nunes (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    This paper presents Geospatial L-systems, a new extension of L-systems that incorporates geospatial awareness, and shows an application of this new tool in the expeditious modelling of urban environments, integrated with ...
  • Kit Assembly Helper in Augmented Reality 

    Almeida, Miguel Vieira; Dias, Jose Miguel Sales (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    This paper describes an augmented reality application that aids users in assembling an object originally in a kit format, i.e. the object is received unassembled, with ordered instructions steps on how to connect each ...
  • Perception-based painterly rendering: functionality and interface design 

    Nunes, Samuel; Almeida, Daniel; Brito, Vera; Carvalho, Joao; Rodrigues, Joao; Buf, J. M. Hans du (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    Painterly rendering (non-photorealistic rendering or NPR) aims at translating photographs into paintings with discrete brush strokes, simulating certain techniques (im- or expressionism) and media (oil or watercolour). ...
  • Efficient focus+context visual exploration of volume datasets 

    Campos, Jordi; Puig, Anna; Tost, Dani (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    We propose a hierarchical representation of volume data sets based on a user-given definition of features. The model is general and it can be used for various types of feature definitions such as rendering queries, topological ...
  • Interactive Cutting in Voxel-Based Objects. Application to Simulate Transurethral Resection of the Prostate 

    Joan-Arinyo, Robert; Vilaplana, Josep (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    Simulating cutting processes of human tissue is an important feature in virtual reality systems for medical training and rehearsal. In this paper we present a method to simulate the cutting operation in voxel-based virtual ...
  • Data-driven Tetrahedral Mesh Subdivision 

    Rodríguez, Lyudmila; Navazo, Isabel; Vinacua, Álvar (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    Given a tetrahedral mesh immersed in a voxel model, we present a method to refine the mesh to reduce the discrepancy between interpolated values based on either scheme at arbitrary locations. An advantage of the method ...
  • Automatic architectural 3D model generation with sunlight simulation 

    Mas, Albert; Besuievsky, Gonzalo (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    Nowadays, 2D architectural design is provided with many good tools. But it lacks efficient tools that could help designers in early stages of a project for tasks such as virtual prototyping or 3D model simulation. The 3D ...
  • It's all in the Face: Studies on Monitoring Users' Experience 

    Branco, Pedro; Encarnação, L. Miguel; Marcos, Adérito (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
    We propose to observe users spontaneous facial expressions as a method to identify adverse-event occurrences at the user interface level. We discuss an experiment designed to investigate the association between incidents ...

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