Now showing items 1-20 of 25

    • Anatomical Modeling for Image Analysis in Cardiology 

      Zambal, Sebastian (Zambal, Mar 2009)
      Eine der häufigsten Todesursachen in der westlichen Welt sind kardiovaskuläre Krankheiten. Für die Diagnose dieser Krankheiten erönen modernebildgebende Verfahren beeindruckende Möglichkeiten. ...
    • Template based shape processing 

      Stoll, Carsten (Stoll, Carsten, 2009-09-30)
      As computers can only represent and process discrete data, informationgathered from the real world always has to be sampled. While it isnowadays possible to sample many signals accurately and thus generatehigh-quality ...
    • On Visualization and Reconstruction from Non-uniform Point Sets 

      Vuçini, Erald (Vuçini, 27.11.2009)
      Technological and research advances in both acquisition and simulation devices provide continuously increasing high-resolution volumetric data that by far exceed today's graphical and display capabilities. Non-uniform ...
    • Feature Extraction for Visual Analysis of DW-MRI Data 

      Schultz, Thomas (Schultz, Thomas, 2009-06-18)
      Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DW-MRI) is a recentmodality to investigate the major neuronal pathways of the humanbrain. However, the rich DW-MRI datasets cannot be interpreted withoutproper preprocessing. ...
    • Applications of temporal coherence in real-time rendering 

      Scherzer, Daniel (Scherzer, 27.11.2009)
      Real-time rendering imposes the challenging task of creating a new rendering of an input scene at least 60 times a second. Although computer graphics hardware has made staggering advances in terms of speed and freedom of ...
    • Robust and Efficient Processing Techniques for Staticand Dynamic Geometric Data 

      Schall, Oliver (Schall, Oliver, 2009-08-28)
      Generating high quality geometric representations from real-world objects is a fundamental problem in computer graphics which is motivated bymanifold applications. They comprise image synthesis for movie productionor ...
    • Perceptually-motivated, Interactive Rendering and Editing of Global Illumination 

      Ritschel, Tobias (Universitaet des Saarlands, 22.12.2009)
      This thesis proposes several new perceptually-motivated techniques to synthesize, edit and enhance depiction of three-dimensional virtual scenes. Finding algorithmsthat fit the perceptually economic middle ground between ...
    • Expressive Visualization and Rapid Interpretation of Seismic Volumes 

      Patel, Daniel (Patel, 2009-08-01)
      One of the most important resources in the world today is energy. Oil and gas provide two thirds of the world energy consumption, making the world completely dependent on it. Locating and recovering the remaining oil and ...
    • Semantic Visualization Mapping for Volume Illustration 

      Rautek, Peter (Rautek, Dec 2008)
      DasGebiet derwissenschaftlichenVisualisierung beschäftigt sichmit der automatisiertenGenerierung von Bildern aus wissenschaftlichen Daten. Um relevanteInformationen darzustellen, werden adäquate visuelle Abstraktionen ...
    • High Quality Dynamic Reflectance and Surface Reconstruction from Video 

      Ahmed, Naveed (Ahmed, Naveed, 2009-07-10)
      The creation of high quality animations of real-world human actors has long been a challenging problem in computer graphics. It involves the modeling of the shape of the virtual actors, creating their motion, and the ...
    • Comprehensive Visualization of Cardiac MRI Data 

      Termeer, Maurice Alain (Termeer, Dec 2008)
      Koronare Herzkrankheit ist eine der führenden Todesursachen in derwestlichen Welt. Die kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Magnetresonanztomographie(MRT) erleichtert genauere Diagnosen, indem sie immerdetailliertere Informationen ...
    • Feature Centric Volume Visualization 

      Malik, Muhammad Muddassir (Malik, 11.12.2009)
      This thesis presents techniques and algorithms for the effective exploration of volumetric datasets. The Visualization techniques are designed to focus on user specified features of interest. The proposed techniques are ...
    • LiveSync: Smart Linking of 2D and 3D Views in Medical Applications 

      Kohlmann, Peter (Kohlmann, Dec 2008)
      In dieser Dissertation werden zwei Techniken vorgestellt, welche 2D und 3DAnsichten in medizinischen Anwendungen geschickt miteinander verknüpfen.Obwohl interaktive 3D Volumenvisualisierung selbst für sehr große ...
    • Analysis and Visualization of Industrial CT Data 

      Heinzl, Christoph (Heinzl, Dec 2008)
      Die industrielle 3D Röntgencomputertomographie (3DCT) steht derzeitan der Schwelle von einer zerstörungsfreien Werkstoffprüfmethode hin zueiner genormten Methode für dimensionales Messen. 3DCT wird vor allemim Bereich der ...
    • Reconstruction and Analysis of Shapes from 3D Scans 

      Haar, Frank B. ter (Haar, 2009)
      In this thesis we use 3D laser range scans for the acquisition, reconstruction, and analysis of 3D shapes. 3D laser range scanning has proven to be a fast and effective way to capture the surface of an object in a computer. ...
    • Techniques for Stochastic ImplicitSurface Modelling and Rendering 

      Gamito, Manuel Noronha (Gamito, Sept 2009)
      Implicit surfaces are a powerful shape primitive for computer graphics. This thesis focuseson a shape modelling approach which generates synthetic shapes by the specification of animplicit surface generating function that ...
    • Filtering and Optimization Strategies for Markerless Human Motion Capture with Skeleton-Based Shape Models 

      Gall, Juergen (Gall, Juergen, 2009-07-07)
      Since more than 2000 years, people have been interested in understanding and analyzing themovements of animals and humans which lead to the development of advanced computer systemsfor motion capture. Although marker-based ...
    • Uses of uncalibrated images to enrich3D models information 

      Dellepiane, Matteo (Dellepiane, 2009)
      La diminuzione dei costi delle fotocamere digitali semi-professionali ha portato allapossibilit per tutti di acquisire immagini ad alta definizione in modo molto semplice.Tuttavia, l interpretazione di queste immagini, ...

      Dyer, Ramsay (Dyer, 2010)
      In the Euclidean plane, a Delaunay triangulation can be characterized by the requirementthat the circumcircle of each triangle be empty of vertices of all other triangles. For triangulatinga surface S in R3, the Delaunay ...
    • Capturing and Reconstructing the Appearance of Complex 3D Scenes 

      Fuchs, Christian (Fuchs, Christian, 2009-05-29)
      In this thesis, we present our research on new acquisition methods forreflectance properties of real-world objects. Specifically, we firstshow a method for acquiring spatially varying densities in volumes oftranslucent, ...