Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Inverse Tone Mapping
(Banterle, 2009-06-04)
The introduction of High Dynamic Range Imaging in computer graphics has produced a novelty in Imaging that can be compared to the introduction of colour photography or even more. Light can now be captured, stored, ...
Manipulations d'image expressives pour une variété de représentations visuelles - Expressive Image Manipulations for a Variety of Visual Representations
(Bousseau, 2009-10-15)
La communication visuelle tire profit de la grande variété d'apparences qu'une image peut avoir. En ignorant les détails, les images simplifiées concentrent l'attention de l'observateur sur le contenu essentiel à transmettre. ...
Audio and Visual Rendering with Perceptual Foundations
(Bonneel, 2009-09-15)
Realistic visual and audio rendering still remains a technical challenge. Indeed, typicalcomputers do not cope with the increasing complexity of today's virtual environments, bothfor audio and visuals, and the graphic ...
High Quality Dynamic Reflectance and Surface Reconstruction from Video
(Ahmed, Naveed, 2009-07-10)
The creation of high quality animations of real-world human actors has long been a challenging problem in computer graphics. It involves the modeling of the shape of the virtual actors, creating their motion, and the ...
Filtering and Optimization Strategies for Markerless Human Motion Capture with Skeleton-Based Shape Models
(Gall, Juergen, 2009-07-07)
Since more than 2000 years, people have been interested in understanding and analyzing themovements of animals and humans which lead to the development of advanced computer systemsfor motion capture. Although marker-based ...
Uses of uncalibrated images to enrich3D models information
(Dellepiane, 2009)
La diminuzione dei costi delle fotocamere digitali semi-professionali ha portato allapossibilit per tutti di acquisire immagini ad alta definizione in modo molto semplice.Tuttavia, l interpretazione di queste immagini, ...
Reconstruction and Analysis of Shapes from 3D Scans
(Haar, 2009)
In this thesis we use 3D laser range scans for the acquisition, reconstruction, and analysis of 3D shapes. 3D laser range scanning has proven to be a fast and effective way to capture the surface of an object in a computer. ...
Capturing and Reconstructing the Appearance of Complex 3D Scenes
(Fuchs, Christian, 2009-05-29)
In this thesis, we present our research on new acquisition methods forreflectance properties of real-world objects. Specifically, we firstshow a method for acquiring spatially varying densities in volumes oftranslucent, ...
Expressive Visualization and Rapid Interpretation of Seismic Volumes
(Patel, 2009-08-01)
One of the most important resources in the world today is energy. Oil and gas provide
two thirds of the world energy consumption, making the world completely dependent on
it. Locating and recovering the remaining oil and ...
Robust and Efficient Processing Techniques for Staticand Dynamic Geometric Data
(Schall, Oliver, 2009-08-28)
Generating high quality geometric representations from real-world objects is a fundamental problem in computer graphics which is motivated bymanifold applications. They comprise image synthesis for movie productionor ...