Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Visual Analysis of Complex Simulation Data using Multiple Heterogenous Views
(Doleisch, 2004)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulationen sind in letzter Zeit in immer häufigerem Einsatz in einer Vielzahl von unterschiedlichsten Anwendungsgebieten. Die Anwendungen reichen dabei vom Einsatz in der ...
High-Quality Visualization and Filtering
(Hadwiger, 2004)
Die meisten Renderingmethoden in der Visualisierung und Computergraphik konzentrieren sich entweder auf die Bildqualität; und generieren <i>korrekte</i> Bilder mit nicht mehr interaktiven Bildraten; ...
New Acquisition Techniques for Real Objects and Light Sources in Computer Graphics
(Goesele, Michael, 2004-07-14)
Accurate representations of objects and light sources in a scenemodel are a crucial prerequisite for realistic image synthesis usingcomputer graphics techniques. This thesis presents techniques forthe efficient acquisition ...
3D Simulation of external beam radiotherapy
(Karangelis, Grigorios, Dec 2004)
Cancer belongs to a group of disease characterized by tumor growth and spread, and is the most significant health care problem in European and Western Countries. The clinical processes used to treat cancer can be separated ...
Real Time Tone Mapping
(Artusi, 2004)
The dynamic range limitations of current image output devices such as monitors and printers; do not allow to visualize High Dynamic Range images correctly. Tone mapping helps to solve this problem; but real-time ...
Object Hierarchies for Efficient Rendering
(Mueller, 2004)
The efficient synthesis of computer generated images for large three-dimensional modelsis one of the major challenges of computer graphics research. Despite the rapid growth ofavailable computational power of todays ...
Curved Planar Reformation for Vessel Visualization
(Kanitsar, 2004)
Die Einführung hoch auflösender Computer Tomographen erlaubt die Akquisition immer feinerer anatomische Details. Dadurch werden neue Untersuchungsmethoden ermöglicht. Die Erfassung von Gefäßstrukturen ...