Smart Tools and Apps for Graphics - Cagliari - Italy September 22 – 23, 2014

Recent Submissions

  • Stereo-browsing from Calibrated Cameras 

    Baldacci, Andrea; Ganovelli, Fabio; Corsini, Massimiliano; Scopigno, Roberto (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Modern Structure-from-Motion (SfM) methods enable the registration of a set of cameras and the reconstruction of the corresponding sparse point cloud of the object/location depicted in the input images. Despite the quality ...
  • TESTIMAGES: a Large-scale Archive for Testing Visual Devices and Basic Image Processing Algorithms 

    Asuni, Nicola; Giachetti, Andrea (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    We present the TESTIMAGES archive, a huge and free collection of sample images designed for analysis and quality assessment of different kinds of displays (i.e. monitors, televisions and digital cinema projectors) and image ...
  • Multi-modal Digitalization of Cultural Heritage Artifacts 

    Stanco, Filippo; Gallo, Giovanni; Cannata, Giovanna; Lombardo, Marcella (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Objects made of different media, paintings, marbles, clay and wooden objects, textiles etc., form the historical collections of most of the middle to medium sized Museums in Italy. This variety poses difficult challenges ...
  • CHROMAGRAM: A Real-time Chroma Key Application for Mobile Devices 

    Corda, Fabrizio; Sorrentino, Fabio; Scateni, Riccardo (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Chroma Key is a special-effects technique widely used by television and motion picture industries for image composition. This technique allows users to replace sections identified by a chosen colour in a multimedia stream ...
  • AR Turn-by-turn Navigation in Small Urban Areas and Information Browsing 

    Cherchi, Gianmarco; Sorrentino, Fabio; Scateni, Riccardo (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Navigation systems allow to discover cities and their urban areas easily and quickly, finding the shortest path to reach them and giving directions to users saving their time and energy. At present time, these systems are ...
  • Stateless Level of Detail Lighting for Automotive Visualization 

    Weber, Christoph; Stamminger, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Car models typically consist of highly specular surfaces including sharp angles. Renderings of such models contain very fine, sharp lighting features, that both make Level-of-Detail switches well visible and result in ...
  • Automatic Generation of Synthetic Retinal Fundus Images 

    Fiorini, S.; Biasi, M. De; Ballerini, L.; Trucco, E.; Ruggeri, A. (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    This study aims to generate synthetic and realistic retinal fundus colour images, similar in characteristics to a given dataset, as well as the values of all morphological parameters. A representative task could be, for ...
  • Adaptive Clipping of Splats to Models with Sharp Features 

    Ivo, Rafael; Ganovelli, Fabio; Vidal, Creto; Scopigno, Roberto (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Splat-based models are a good representation because of its absense of topology, making complex modeling operations easier, but keeping the same approximation ratio from triangular meshes. However corners cannot be properly ...
  • Practical Line Rasterization for Multi-resolution Textures 

    Taibo, Javier; Jaspe, Alberto; Seoane, Antonio; Agus, Marco; Hernández, Luis (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Draping 2D vectorial information over a 3D terrain elevation model is usually performed by real-time rendering to texture. In the case of linear feature representation, there are several specific problems using the texturing ...
  • Enhanced Sphere Tracing 

    Keinert, Benjamin; Schäfer, Henry; Korndörfer, Johann; Ganse, Urs; Stamminger, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    In this paper we present several performance and quality enhancements to classical sphere tracing: First, we propose a safe, over-relaxation-based method for accelerating sphere tracing. Second, a method for dynamically ...