Now showing items 21-27 of 27

    • Visualization of Labeled Segments Cross-Contour Surfaces 

      Tost, Dani; Puig, Anna (The Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Cross contour surfaces are composed of sets of planar contours. They are the natural output of surface extraction algorithms based on contouring features in parallel image slices of volume models. They are also suitable ...
    • Topology-Guided Downsampling 

      Kraus, Martin; Ertl, Thomas (The Eurographics Association, 2001)
      We present a new downsampling method for structured volmue grids, which preserves much more of the topology of a scalar field than existing downsampling methods by preferable selecting scalar values of critical points. In ...
    • Hybrid Distance Field Computation 

      Satherley, Richard; Jones, Mark W. (The Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Distance fields are a widely investigated area within the area of Volume Graphics. Research is divided between applications; such as skeletonisation, hypertexture, voxelisation, acceleration of rendering techniques, ...
    • An Architecture For Interactive Tetrahedral Volume Rendering 

      King, Davis; Wittenbrink, Craig M.; Wolters, Hans J. (The Eurographics Association, 2001)
      We present a new architecture for interactive unstructured volume rendering. Our system moves all the computations necessary for order-independent transparency and volume scan conversion from the CPU to the graphics hardware, ...
    • Image-Based Rendering of Surfaces from Volume Data 

      Chen, Baoquan; Kaufman, Arie; Tang, Qingyu (The Eurographics Association, 2001)
      We present an image-based rendering technique to accelerate rendering of surfaces from volume data. We cache the fully volume rendered image (called keyview) and use it to generate novel views without ray-casting every ...
    • Segmentation of Biological Volume Datasets Using a Level-Set Framework 

      Whitaker, Ross; Breen, David; Museth, Ken; Soni, Neha (The Eurographics Association, 2001)
      This paper presents a framework for extracting surface models from a broad variety of volume datasets. These datasets are produced from standard 3D imaging devices, and are all noisy samplings of complex biological structures ...
    • Parallelizing the ZSWEEP Algorithm for Distributed-Shared Memory Architectures 

      Farias, Ricardo; Silva, Claudio T. (The Eurographics Association, 2001)
      In this paper we describe a simple parallelization of the ZSWEEP algorithm for rendering unstructured volumetric grids on distributed-shared memory machines, and study its performance on three generations of SGI multiprocessors, ...