Browsing VG03: Third International Workshop on Volume Graphics 2003 by Title
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Accuracy-Based Sampling and Reconstruction with Adaptive Grid for Parallel Hierarchical Tetrahedrization
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)Recent advances in volume scanning techniques have made the task of acquiring volume data of 3-D objects easier and more accurate. Since the quantity of such acquired data is generally very large, a volume model capable ... -
Cell Projection of Convex Polyhedra
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)Finite element methods commonly use unstructured grids as the computational domain. As a matter of fact, the volume visualization of these unstructured grids is a time consuming task. Here, the fastest known object order ... -
Chronovolumes: A Direct Rendering Technique for Visualizing Time-Varying Data
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)We present a new method for displaying time varying volumetric data. The core of the algorithm is an integration through time producing a single view volume that captures the essence of multiple time steps in a sequence. ... -
The Design and Evaluation of a Pipelined Image Compositing Device for Massively Parallel Volume Rendering
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)An experimental study of software image compositing that we have carried out on a 512-node PC cluster shows the necessity of hardware compositing support to make possible real-time volume visualization scalable with large ... -
Hybrid Forward Resampling and Volume Rendering
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)The transforming and rendering of discrete objects, such as traditional images (with or without depths) and volumes, can be considered as resampling problem - objects are reconstructed, transformed, filtered, and finally ... -
Integrating Pre-Integration Into The Shear-Warp Algorithm
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)The shear-warp volume rendering algorithm is one of the fastest algorithms for volume rendering, but it achieves this rendering speed only by sacrificing interpolation between the slices of the volume data. Unfortunately, ... -
An Interactive Volume Visualization System for Transient Flow Analysis
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)This paper describes the design and performance of an interactive visualization system developed specifically for improved understanding of time-varying volume data from thermal flow simulations for vehicle cabin and ... -
Multiresolution Volume Simplification and Polygonization
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)We propose a multiresolution volume simplification and polygonization algorithm. Traditionally, voxel-based algorithms lack the adaptive resolution support and consequently simplified volumes quickly lose sharp features ... -
OpenVL - The Open Volume Library
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)OpenVL is a modular, extensible, and high performance library for handling volumetric datasets. It provides a standard, uniform, and easy to use API for accessing volumetric data. It allows the volumetric data to be laid ... -
Out-of-Core Encoding Of Large Tetrahedral Meshes
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)In this paper, an out-of-core data compression method is presented to encode large Finite Element Analysis (FEA) meshes. The method is comprised with two stages. At the first stage, the input FEA mesh is divided into blocks, ... -
Rapid Emission Tomography Reconstruction
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)We present new implementations of the Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm and the related Ordered Subset EM (OSEM) algorithm. Our implementation is based on modern graphics hardware and achieves ... -
Real-Time Volume Manipulation
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)In this paper, we describe a set of algorithms and an implementation (called VolEdit), for interactively manipulating 3D volumetric objects (datasets). The system utilizes skeletons, which allows users/animators to ... -
Remote View-dependent Isosurface Visualization
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)This paper presents a simple and effective protocol for remote isosurface visualization. The protocol breaks up the isosurface visualization pipeline at the 3D primitive stage for the server to send primitives to the client. ... -
Spatial Transfer Functions - A Unified Approach to Specifying Deformation in Volume Modeling and Animation
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)In this paper, we introduce the concept of spatial transfer functions as a unified approach to volume modeling and animation. A spatial transfer function is a function that defines the geometrical transformation of a scalar ... -
Volume CAD
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)With the transition of the most fundamental data in manufacturing from drawings to three-dimensional (3D) CAD (Computer Aided Design) data, we are now able to fabricate products with beautiful curved surfaces, for example, ... -
A Volume Rendering Approach for Sea Surfaces Taking into Account Second Order Scattering Using Scattering Maps
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)We present a fast volume rendering technique for sea surfaces taking into account second order scattering using graphics hardware. To generate realistic images of the sea surfaces, accurate simulation of light transport ... -
Volumetric Ablation Rendering
(The Eurographics Association, 2003)In this paper, we propose a physically-based method for simulating the process of ablation on volumetric models. We demonstrate the visual effect of ablative processes, such as a beam of heat emitted from a blow torch or ...