Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Automated Production of Interactive 3D Temporal Geovisualizations so as to Enhance Flood Risk Awareness 

      Jacquinod, Florence; Pedrinis, Frédéric; Edert, Jérémy; Gesquière, Gilles (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      The FLOOD AR project originates from an explicitly expressed need for digital 3D temporal georeferenced models that can be largely diffused among riverside residents through computers and mobile devices, in order to support ...
    • Dual-Domain Visual Exploration of Urban Solar Potential 

      Seipel, Stefan; Lingfors, David; Widén, Joakim (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      Traditional methods for estimating the solar energy potential in buildings determine energy yields on an annual base and make use of highly aggregated geo-spatial data. This work proposes a method for detailed assessment ...
    • A General Strategy for Semantic Levels of Detail Visualization in Urban Environment 

      Zhang, Fan; Tourre, Vincent; Moreau, Guillaume (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      Applications based on urban environments are applied frequently in daily life which increases the needs for a high quality visualization result. It combines the urban environment and the special application-related topic ...
    • Visualization of Documented 3D Cities 

      Chagnaud, Clément; Samuel, John; Servigne, Sylvie; Gesquière, Gilles (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      Documents whether historical photographs or urban regulations are important for understanding the urban past as well as for urban planning. CityGML is an open standard used to represent 3D structure and thematic information ...