Now showing items 21-24 of 24

    • Phong Splatting 

      Botsch, Mario; Spernat, Michael; Kobbelt, Leif (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      Surface splatting has developed into a valuable alternative to triangle meshes when it comes to rendering of highly detailed massive datasets. However, even highly accurate splat approximations of the given geometry may ...
    • Interactive Silhouette Rendering for Point-Based Models 

      Xu, Hui; Nguyen, Minh X.; Yuan, Xiaoru; Chen, Baoquan (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      We present a new method for rendering silhouettes of point-based models. Due to the lack of connectivity information, most existing polygon-based silhouette generation algorithms cannot be applied to point-based models. ...
    • Boolean Operations on Surfel-Bounded Solids Using Programmable Graphics Hardware 

      Adams, Bart; Dutré, Philip (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      In this paper we present an algorithm to compute boolean operations on free-form solids bounded by surfels using programmable graphics hardware. The intersection, union and difference of two or more solids, is calculated ...
    • Multi-Resolution Sound Rendering 

      Wand, M.; Straßer, W. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      Point-based multi-resolution representations have been used successfully for rendering highly complex three dimensional scenes in real-time. In this paper, we apply this paradigm to sound rendering: A hierarchy of stochastic ...