Now showing items 21-25 of 25

    • Geometry Compression of Normal Meshes Using Rate-Distortion Algorithms 

      Lavu, Sridhar; Choi, Hyeokho; Baraniuk, Richard (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We propose a new rate-distortion based algorithm for compressing 3D surface geometry represented using triangular normal meshes. We apply the Estimation-Quantization (EQ) algorithm to compress normal mesh wavelet coefficients. ...
    • High-Pass Quantization for Mesh Encoding 

      Sorkine, Olga; Cohen-Or, Daniel; Toledo, Sivan (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Any quantization introduces errors. An important question is how to suppress their visual effect. In this paper we present a new quantization method for the geometry of 3D meshes, which enables aggressive quantization ...
    • Domain Decomposition for Multiresolution Analysis 

      Boier-Martin, Ioana M. (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This paper describes a method for converting an arbitrary mesh with irregular connectivity to a semi-regular multiresolution representation. A shape image encoding geometric and differential properties of the input model ...
    • Explicit Surface Remeshing 

      Surazhsky, Vitaly; Gotsman, Craig (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We present a new remeshing scheme based on the idea of improving mesh quality by a series of local modifications of the mesh geometry and connectivity. Our contribution to the family of local modification techniques is an ...
    • Provably Good Surface Sampling and Approximation 

      Boissonnat, J-D.; Oudot, S. (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We present an algorithm for meshing surfaces that is a simple adaptation of a greedy "farthest point" technique proposed by Chew. Given a surface S, it progressively adds points on S and updates the 3-dimensional Delaunay ...