Now showing items 21-24 of 24

    • Linear-Time Dynamics for Multibody Systems with General Joint Models 

      Si, Weiguang; Guenter, Brian (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      Most current linear-time forward dynamics algorithms support only simple types of joints due to difficulties in computing derivatives of joint transformations up to order two.We apply the D* symbolic differentiation algorithm ...
    • Modeling Style and Variation in Human Motion 

      Ma, Wanli; Xia, Shihong; Hodgins, Jessica K.; Yang, Xiao; Li, Chunpeng; Wang, Zhaoqi (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      Style and variation are two vital components of human motion: style differentiates between examples of the same behavior (slow walk vs. fast walk) while variation differentiates between examples of the same style (vigorous ...
    • Editing Dynamic Human Motions via Momentum and Force 

      Sok, Kwang Won; Yamane, Katsu; Lee, Jehee; Hodgins, Jessica K. (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      We present an integrated framework for interactive editing of the momentum and external forces in a motion capture sequence. Allowing user control of the momentum and forces provides a powerful and intuitive editing tool ...
    • Fast Local and Global Similarity Searches in Large Motion Capture Databases 

      Krueger, Bjoern; Tautges, Jochen; Weber, Andreas; Zinke, Arno (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      Fast searching of content in large motion databases is essential for efficient motion analysis and synthesis. In this work we demonstrate that identifying locally similar regions in human motion data can be practical even ...