Now showing items 21-23 of 23

    • Sketch and Paint-based Interface for Highlight Modeling 

      Pacanowski, Romain; Granier, Xavier; Schlick, Christophe; Poulin, Pierre (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      In computer graphics, highlights capture much of the appearance of light reflection off a surface. They are generally limited to pre-defined models (e.g., Phong, Blinn) or to measured data. In this paper, we introduce new ...
    • Volume Painter: Geometry-Guided Volume Modeling by Sketching on the Cross-Section 

      Owada, Shigeru; Harada, Takahiro; Holzer, Philipp; Igarashi, Takeo (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      We propose a sketch-based system to design volume data from scratch. The user splits a surface model and paints brush strokes to volumetrically fill the 3D space. We extend exisiting sketch-based modeling systems in various ...
    • Sketching Piecewise Clothoid Curves 

      McCrae, James; Singh, Karan (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      We present a novel approach to sketching 2D curves with minimally varying curvature as piecewise clothoids. A stable and efficient algorithm fits a sketched piecewise linear curve using a number of clothoid segments with ...