Recent Submissions

  • Collaborative Brushing and Linking for Co-located Visual Analytics of Document Collections 

    Isenberg, Petra; Fisher, Danyel (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    Many real-world analysis tasks can benefit from the combined efforts of a group of people. Past research has shown that to design visualizations for collaborative visual analytics tasks, we need to support both individual ...
  • The Chinese Room: Visualization and Interaction to Understand and Correct Ambiguous Machine Translation 

    Albrecht, Joshua; Hwa, Rebecca; Marai, G. Elisabeta (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    We present The Chinese Room, a visualization interface that allows users to explore and interact with a multitude of linguistic resources in order to decode and correct poor machine translations. The target users of The ...
  • DocuBurst: Visualizing Document Content using Language Structure 

    Collins, Christopher; Carpendale, Sheelagh; Penn, Gerald (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    Textual data is at the forefront of information management problems today. One response has been the development of visualizations of text data. These visualizations, commonly based on simple attributes such as relative ...
  • Enclosing Surfaces for Point Clusters Using 3D Discrete Voronoi Diagrams 

    Rosenthal, Paul; Linsen, Lars (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    Point clusters occur in both spatial and non-spatial data. In the former context they may represent segmented particle data, in the latter context they may represent clusters in scatterplots. In order to visualize such ...
  • High-Quality Volumetric Reconstruction on Optimal Lattices for Computed Tomography 

    Finkbeiner, Bernhard; Alim, Usman R.; Ville, Dimitri Van De; Möller, Torsten (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    Within the context of emission tomography, we study volumetric reconstruction methods based on the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. We show, for the first time, the equivalence of the standard implementation of the ...
  • On Visualization and Reconstruction from Non-Uniform Point Sets using B-splines 

    Vuçini, Erald; Möller, Torsten; Gröller, M. Eduard (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    In this paper we present a novel framework for the visualization and reconstruction from non-uniform point sets. We adopt a variational method for the reconstruction of 3D non-uniform data to a uniform grid of chosen ...
  • Scalable, Versatile and Simple Constrained Graph Layout 

    Dwyer, Tim (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    We describe a new technique for graph layout subject to constraints. Compared to previous techniques the proposed method is much faster and scalable to much larger graphs. For a graph with n nodes, m edges and c constraints ...
  • Force-Directed Edge Bundling for Graph Visualization 

    Holten, Danny; Wijk, Jarke J. van (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    Abstract Graphs depicted as node-link diagrams are widely used to show relationships between entities. However, nodelink diagrams comprised of a large number of nodes and edges often suffer from visual clutter. The use of ...
  • Quasi-interpolation on the Body Centered Cubic Lattice 

    Entezari, Alireza; Mirzargar, Mahsa; Kalantari, Leila (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    This paper introduces a quasi-interpolation method for reconstruction of data sampled on the Body Centered Cubic (BCC) lattice. The reconstructions based on this quasi-interpolation achieve the optimal approximation order ...
  • SDViz: A Context-Preserving Interactive Visualization System for Technical Diagrams 

    Woo, Insoo; Kim, SungYe; Maciejewski, Ross; Ebert, David S.; Ropp, Timothy D.; Thomas, Krystal (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    When performing daily maintenance and repair tasks, technicians require access to a variety of technical diagrams. As technicians trace components and diagrams from page-to-page, within and across manuals, the contextual ...
  • Visualization of Vessel Movements 

    Willems, Niels; Wetering, Huub van de; Wijk, Jarke J. van (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    We propose a geographical visualization to support operators of coastal surveillance systems and decision making analysts to get insights in vessel movements. For a possibly unknown area, they want to know where significant ...
  • Visualization Techniques for Schedule Comparison 

    Huang, Dandan; Tory, Melanie; Staub-French, Sheryl; Pottinger, Rachel (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    Project schedules are effectively represented by Gantt charts, but comparing multiple versions of a schedule is difficult. To compare versions with current methods, users must search and navigate through multiple large ...
  • A Visualization Based Approach for Digital Signature Authentication 

    Xu, Songhua; Yang, Wenxia; Lau, Francis C.M. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    We propose a visualization based approach for digital signature authentication. Using our method, the speed and pressure aspects of a digital signature process can be clearly and intuitively conveyed to the user for digital ...
  • Fully Automatic Visualisation of Overlapping Sets 

    Simonetto, Paolo; Auber, David; Archambault, Daniel (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    Visualisation of taxonomies and sets has recently become an active area of research. Many application fields now require more than a strict classification of elements into a hierarchy tree. Euler diagrams, one of the most ...
  • Visualizing the Evolution of Compound Digraphs with TimeArcTrees 

    Greilich, Martin; Burch, Michael; Diehl, Stephan (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    Compound digraphs are a widely used model in computer science. In many application domains these models evolve over time. Only few approaches to visualize such dynamic compound digraphs exist and mostly use animation to ...
  • Visual Analysis of Brain Activity from fMRI Data 

    Janoos, Firdaus; Nouanesengsy, Boonthanome; Machiraju, Raghu; Shen, Han Wei; Sammet, Steffen; Knopp, Michael; Mórocz, István Á. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    Classically, analysis of the time-varying data acquired during fMRI experiments is done using static activation maps obtained by testing voxels for the presence of significant activity using statistical methods. The models ...
  • Comparing Parameter Manipulation with Mouse, Pen, and Slider User Interfaces 

    Swindells, Colin; Tory, Melanie; Dreezer, Rebecca (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    Visual fixation on one s tool(s) takes much attention away from one s primary task. Following the belief that the best tools disappear and become invisible to the user, we present a study comparing visual fixations (eye ...
  • Preconceptions and Individual Differences in Understanding Visual Metaphors 

    Ziemkiewicz, Caroline; Kosara, Robert (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    Understanding information visualization is more than a matter of reading a series of data values; it is also a matter of incorporating a visual structure into one s own thinking about a problem. We have proposed visual ...
  • Extended Excentric Labeling 

    Bertini, Enrico; Rigamonti, Maurizio; Lalanne, Denis (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    The paper presents an extension to the Excentric Labeling, a labeling technique to dynamically show labels around a movable lens. Each labels refers to one object within the lens and is connected to it through a line. The ...
  • Combining Map Displays and 3D Visualizations for the Analysis of Scalar Data on Cerebral Aneurysm Surfaces 

    Neugebauer, Mathias; Gasteiger, Rocco; Beuing, Oliver; Diehl, Volker; Skalej, Martin; Preim, Bernhard (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009)
    Cerebral aneurysms result from a congenital or evolved weakness of stabilizing parts of the vessel wall and potentially lead to rupture and a life-threatening bleeding. Current medical research concentrates on the integration ...

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