Now showing items 521-540 of 762

    • Multiscale Visualization of Dynamic Software Logs 

      Moreta, Sergio; Telea, Alexandru (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      We present a set of techniques and design principles for the visualization of large dynamic software logs consisting of attributed change events, such as obtained from instrumenting programs or mining software repositories. ...
    • Real-Time Super Resolution Contextual Close-up of Clinical Volumetric Data 

      Taerum, T.; Sousa, M. C.; Samavati, F.; Chan, S.; Mitchell, J. R. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      We present an illustrative visualization system for real-time and high quality rendering of clinical volumetric medical data. Our technique is inspired by a medical illustration technique for depicting contextual close-up ...
    • 3D Soft Segmentation and Visualization of Medical Data Based on Nonlinear Diffusion and Distance Functions 

      Petersch, B.; Serrano-Serrano, O.; Hönigmann, D. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Visualization of medical 3D data is a complex problem, since the raw data is often unsuitable for standard techniques like Direct Volume Rendering. Some kind of pre-treatment is necessary, usually segmentation of the ...
    • Application-Oriented Extensions of Profile Flags 

      Mlejnek, Matej; Ermes, Pierre; Vilanova, Anna; Rijt, Rob van der; Bosch, Harrie van den; Gerritsen, Frans; Gröller, M. Eduard (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      This paper discusses two applications of probing dense volumetric data for MR orthopedics and dynamic contrast enhanced MRI mammography. In order not to reduce the context information and to extract the essential part of ...
    • Perspective Isosurface and Direct Volume Rendering for Virtual Endoscopy Applications 

      Scharsach, Henning; Hadwiger, Markus; Neubauer, André; Wolfsberger, Stefan; Bühler, Katja (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Virtual endoscopy has proven to be a very powerful tool in endoscopic surgery. However, most virtual endoscopy systems are restricted to rendering isosurfaces or require segmentation in order to visualize additional objects ...
    • Visualizing the Phonon Map 

      Deines, E.; Michel, F.; Bertram, M.; Hagen, H.; Nielson, G. M. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      In this work we present several visualization approaches for analyzing acoustic behavior inside a room. Our methods are based on the results of the phonon tracing algorithm. For a simulated phonon map we examine the influence ...
    • Enhanced Visualizations of Thermographic Data in Process Industry 

      Seipel, S.; Forsberg, A.- K.; Wesslén, D. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      In this paper, we describe an improved method for visualization of thermographic data in the paper and pulp process industry. We present an application that allows process operators to freely choose how absolute temperatures ...
    • A Case Study: Visualizing Material Point Method Data 

      Bigler, James; Guilkey, James; Gribble, Christiaan; Hansen, Charles; Parker, Steven G. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      The Material Point Method is used for complex simulation of solid materials represented using many individual particles. Visualizing such data using existing polygonal or volumetric methods does not accurately encapsulate ...
    • Data Reconstruction and Visualization Techniques for Forensic Pathology 

      Ehlert, Alexander; Salah, Zein; Bartz, Dirk (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Forensic pathology is largely concerned with the determination of the cause and manner of deaths after accidents, or other circumstances in criminal investigations. A major task in that process is the documentation of ...
    • A Granular Three Dimensional Multiresolution Transform 

      Entezari, Alireza; Meng, Tai; Bergner, Steven; Möller, Torsten (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      We propose a three dimensional multi-resolution scheme to represent volumetric data in resolutions which are powers of two, resolving the rigidity of the commonly used separable Cartesian multi-resolution schemes in 3D ...
    • Lossless Geometry Compression for Steady-State and Time-Varying Irregular Grids 

      Chen, Dan; Chiang, Yi-Jen; Memon, Nasir; Wu, Xiaolin (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      In this paper we investigate the problem of lossless geometry compression of irregular-grid volume data represented as a tetrahedral mesh. We propose a novel lossless compression technique that effectively predicts, models, ...
    • An Interactive Visualization System for Quantifying Coral Structures 

      Kruszynski, K. J.; Liere, R. van; Kaandorp, J. A. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Determining the shape of coral structures is an essential step for coral biologists to classify and compare corals. Currently, coral biologists analyze shape by performing manual measurements on photographs of coral colonies. ...
    • Fast Ray Traversal of Tetrahedral and Hexahedral Meshes for Direct Volume Rendering 

      Marmitt, Gerd; Slusallek, Philipp (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      The importance of high-performance rendering of unstructured or curvilinear data sets has increased significantly, mainly due to its use in scientific simulations such as computational fluid dynamics and finite element ...
    • Automating Transfer Function Design for Volume Rendering Using Hierarchical Clustering of Material Boundaries 

      ereda, Petr; Vilanova, Anna; Gerritsen, Frans A. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Transfer function design plays a crucial role in direct volume rendering. Furthermore, it has a major influence on the efficiency of the visualization process. We have developed a framework that facilitates the semi-automatic ...
    • Improving the Quality of Multi-resolution Volume Rendering 

      Younesy, H.; Möller, T.; Carr, H. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      We propose a novel method to improve the quality of multi-resolution visualizations. We reduce aliasing artifacts by approximating the data distribution with a Gaussian basis function at each level of detail for more ...
    • Multiresolution Interblock Interpolation in Direct Volume Rendering 

      Ljung, Patric; Lundström, Claes; Ynnerman, Anders (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      We present a direct interblock interpolation technique that enables direct volume rendering of blocked, multiresolution volumes. The proposed method smoothly interpolates between blocks of arbitrary block-wise level-of-detail ...
    • D2VR: High-Quality Volume Rendering of Projection-based Volumetric Data 

      Rautek, Peter; Csébfalvi, Balázs; Grimm, Sören; Bruckner, Stefan; Gröller, Eduard (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Volume rendering techniques are conventionally classified as either direct or indirect methods. Indirect methods require to transform the initial volumetric model into an intermediate geometrical model in order to efficiently ...
    • PointCloudXplore: Visual Analysis of 3D Gene Expression Data Using Physical Views and Parallel Coordinates 

      Rübel, O.; Weber, G.H.; Keränen, S.V.E.; Fowlkes, C.C.; Hendriks, C.L. Luengo; Simirenko, L.; Shah, N.Y.; Eisen, M.B.; Biggin, M.D.; Hagen, H.; Sudar, D.; Malik, J.; Knowles, D.W.; Hamann, B. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      To allow a more rigorous understanding of animal gene regulatory networks, the Berkeley Drosophila Transcription Network Project (BDTNP) has developed a suite of methods that support quantitative, computational analysis ...
    • The alpha -histogram: Using Spatial Coherence to Enhance Histograms and Transfer Function Design 

      Lundström, Claes; Ynnerman, Anders; Ljung, Patric; Persson, Anders; Knutsson, Hans (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      The high complexity of Transfer Function (TF) design is a major obstacle to widespread routine use of Direct Volume Rendering, particularly in the case of medical imaging. Both manual and automatic TF design schemes would ...
    • Integrating Dynamic Deformations into Interactive Volume Visualization 

      Brunet, Tom; Nowak, K. Evan; Gleicher, Michael (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Non-linear geometric deformation (or warping) is a useful tool for working with volumes. Unfortunately, the computational expense of performing the resampling needed to implement volume deformation has precluded its use ...