Now showing items 481-500 of 762

    • Automatic Detection and Visualization of Distinctive Structures in 3D Unsteady Multi-fields 

      Jänicke, Heike; Böttinger, Michael; Tricoche, Xavier; Scheuermann, Gerik (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2008)
      Current unsteady multi-field simulation data-sets consist of millions of data-points. To efficiently reduce this enormous amount of information, local statistical complexity was recently introduced as a method that identifies ...
    • Animating Causal Overlays 

      Bartram, Lyn; Yao, Miao (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2008)
      Most approaches to representing causality, such as the common causal graph, require a separate and static view, but in many cases it is useful to add the dimension of causality to the context of an existing visualization. ...
    • Extraction Of Feature Lines On Surface Meshes Based On Discrete Morse Theory 

      Sahner, Jan; Weber, Britta; Prohaska, Steffen; Lamecker, Hans (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2008)
      We present an approach for extracting extremal feature lines of scalar indicators on surface meshes, based on discrete Morse Theory. By computing initial Morse-Smale complexes of the scalar indicators of the mesh, we obtain ...
    • Generating Color Palettes using Intuitive Parameters 

      Wijffelaars, Martijn; Vliegen, Roel; Wijk, Jarke J. van; Linden, Erik-Jan van der (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2008)
      Color is widely used in data visualization to show data values. The proper selection of colors is critical to convey information correctly. In this paper, we present a technique for generating univariate lightness ordered ...
    • Physically-based Dye Advection for Flow Visualization 

      Li, Guo-Shi; Tricoche, Xavier; Hansen, Charles (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2008)
      Dye advection is widely used in experimental flow analysis but has seen less use for visualization in computational fluid dynamics. One possible reason for this disconnect is the inaccuracy of the texture-based approach, ...
    • Particle Level Set Advection for the Interactive Visualization of Unsteady 3D Flow 

      Cuntz, Nicolas; Kolb, Andreas; Strzodka, Robert; Weiskopf, Daniel (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2008)
      Typically, flow volumes are visualized by defining their boundary as iso-surface of a level set function. Grid-based level sets offer a good global representation but suffer from numerical diffusion of surface detail, ...
    • Feature Emphasis and Contextual Cutaways for Multimodal Medical Visualization 

      Burns, Michael; Haidacher, Martin; Wein, Wolfgang; Viola, Ivan; Groeller, Eduard (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      Dense clinical data like 3D Computed Tomography (CT) scans can be visualized together with real-time imaging for a number of medical intervention applications. However, it is difficult to provide a fused visualization that ...
    • Model-free Surface Visualization of Vascular Trees 

      Schumann, Christian; Oeltze, Steffen; Bade, Ragnar; Preim, Bernhard; Peitgen, H.- O. (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      Expressive and efficient visualizations of complex vascular structures are essential for medical applications, such as diagnosis and therapy planning. A variety of techniques has been developed which provide smooth ...
    • Viewpoint Selection for Intervention Planning 

      Muehler, Konrad; Neugebauer, Mathias; Tietjen, Christian; Preim, Bernhard (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      Viewpoint selection is crucial for medical intervention planning. The interactive exploration of a scene with 3d objects involves the systematic analysis of several anatomic structures. Viewpoint selection techniques enhance ...
    • Functional Unit Maps for Data-Driven Visualization of High-Density EEG Coherence 

      Caat, Michael ten; Maurits, Natasha M.; Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      Synchronous electrical activity in different brain regions is generally assumed to imply functional relationships between these regions. A measure for this synchrony is electroencephalography (EEG) coherence, computed ...
    • Interactive Visual Exploration of Unsteady 3D Flows 

      Buerger, Kai; Schneider, Jens; Kondratieva, Polina; Krueger, J.; Westermann, Ruediger (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      In this paper we present GPU-based techniques for the interactive visualization of large unsteady 3D flow fields on uniform grids. We propose a novel dual-core approach to asynchronously stream such fields from the CPU, ...
    • Multiresolution MIP Rendering of Large Volumetric Data Accelerated on Graphics Hardware 

      Laan, Wladimir J. van der; Jalba, Andrei C.; Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      This paper is concerned with a multiresolution representation for maximum intensity projection (MIP) volume rendering based on morphological pyramids which allows progressive refinement. We consider two algorithms for ...
    • Hardware-accelerated Stippling of Surfaces derived from Medical Volume Data 

      Baer, Alexandra; Tietjen, Christian; Bade, Ragnar; Preim, Bernhard (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      We present a fast hardware-accelerated stippling method which does not require any preprocessing for placing points on surfaces. The surfaces are automatically parameterized in order to apply stippling textures without ...
    • Priority Streamlines: A context-based Visualization of Flow Fields 

      Schlemmer, Michael; Hotz, Ingrid; Hamann, Bernd; Morr, Florian; Hagen, Hans (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      Flow vector fields contain a wealth of information that needs to be visualized. As an extension of the well-known streamline technique, we have developed a context-based method for visualizing steady flow vector fields in ...
    • Animation of Orthogonal Texture-Based Vector Field Visualization 

      Bachthaler, Sven; Weiskopf, Daniel (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      This paper introduces orthogonal vector field visualization on 2D manifolds: a representation by lines that are perpendicular to the input vector field. Line patterns are generated by line integral convolution (LIC). This ...
    • Visualization Methods for Vortex Rings and Vortex Breakdown Bubbles 

      Peikert, Ronald; Sadlo, Filip (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      Vortex breakdown bubbles are a subject which is of interest in many disciplines such as aeronautics, mixing, and combustion. Existing visualization methods are based on stream surfaces, direct volume rendering, tensor field ...
    • Parametric Visualization of High Resolution Correlated Multi-spectral Features Using PCA 

      Broersen, Alexander; Liere, Robert van; Heeren, Ron M. A. (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      An imaging mass spectrometer is an analytical instrument that can determine the spatial distribution of chemical compounds on complex surfaces. The output of the device is a multi-spectral datacube; a three-dimensional ...
    • Segmentation of DT-MRI Anisotropy Isosurfaces 

      Schultz, Thomas; Theisel, Holger; Seidel, Hans-Peter (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      While isosurfaces of anisotropy measures for data from diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) are known to depict major anatomical structures, the anisotropy metric reduces the rich tensor data to a simple ...
    • Feature Identification and Extraction in Function Fields 

      Anderson, John C.; Gosink, Luke J.; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Joy, Kenneth I. (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      We present interactive techniques for identifying and extracting features in function fields. Function fields map points in n-dimensional Euclidean space to 1-dimensional scalar functions. Visual feature identification is ...
    • Flexible And Topologically Localized Segmentation 

      Johansson, Gunnar; Museth, Ken; Carr, Hamish (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      One of the most common visualization tasks is the extraction of significant boundaries, often performed with isosurfaces or level set segmentation. Isosurface extraction is simple and can be guided by geometric and topological ...