Recent Submissions

  • Interactive Iso-Surface Ray Tracing of Massive Volumetric Data Sets 

    Friedrich, Heiko; Wald, Ingo; Guenther, J.; Marmitt, G.; Slusallek, Phillip (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    The visualization of iso-surfaces from gridded volume data is an important tool in many scientific applications. Today, it is possible to ray trace high-quality iso-surfaces at interactive frame rates even on commodity ...
  • iRun: Interactive Rendering of Large Unstructured Grids 

    Vo, Huy T.; Callahan, Steven P.; Smith, Nathan; Silva, Claudio T.; Martin, William; Owen, David; Weinstein, David (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    We present iRun, a system for interactively volume rendering large unstructured grids on commodity PCs. Rendering arbitrarily large datasets has been an active area of research for many years. However, the techniques ...
  • Asynchronous BVH Construction for Ray Tracing Dynamic Scenes on Parallel Multi-Core Architectures 

    Ize, Thiago; Wald, Ingo; Parker, Steven G. (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    Recent developments have produced several techniques for interactive ray tracing of dynamic scenes. In particular, bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs) are efficient acceleration structures that handle complex triangle ...
  • Hybrid CPU-GPU Unstructured Meshes Parallel Volume Rendering on PC Clusters 

    Juliachs, Manuel; Carrard, Thierry; Nomine, Jean-Philippe (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    Large-scale numerical simulation produces datasets with ever-growing size and complexity. In particular, unstructured meshes are encountered in many applications. Volume rendering provides a way to efficiently analyze such ...
  • Parallel Reflective Symmetry Transformation for Volume Data 

    Hong, Yuan; Shen, Han-Wei (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    Many volume data possess symmetric features that can be clearly observed, for example, those existed in diffusion tensor image data sets. The exploitations of symmetries for volume data sets, however, are relatively limited ...
  • Exploiting Parallelism in Physically-Based Simulations on Multi-Core Processor Architectures 

    Thomaszewski, Bernhard; Pabst, Simon; Blochinger, Wolfgang (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    As multi-core processor systems become more and more widespread, the demand for designing efficient parallel algorithms propagates also into the field of computer graphics. This is especially true for the physically-based ...
  • Work Stealing for Time-constrained Octree Exploration: Application to Real-time 3D Modeling 

    Soares, Luciano; Menier, Clement; Raffin, Bruno; Roch, Jean-Louis (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    This paper introduces a dynamic work balancing algorithm, based on work stealing, for time-constrained parallel octree carving. The performance of the algorithm is proved and confirmed by experimental results where the ...
  • Dynamic Regions of Interest for Interactive Flow Exploration 

    Wolter, Marc; Bischof, C.; Kuhlen, Torsten (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    Virtual Reality (VR) provides a useful tool for understanding complex, unsteady flow phenomena. The user can directly interact with the data and therefore benefits from a spatial coherence of action and result. However, ...
  • Interactive Particle Visualization with Advanced Shading Models using Lazy Evaluation 

    Gribble, Christiaan P.; Parker, Steven G. (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    Particle-based simulation methods are used to model a wide range of complex phenomena and to solve timedependent problems of various scales. Effective visualizations of the resulting state will communicate subtle changes ...
  • Scalable Sort-First Parallel Direct Volume Rendering with Dynamic Load Balancing 

    Moloney, Brendan; Weiskopf, Daniel; Moeller, Torsten; Strengert, Magnus (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    We describe a sort-first algorithm for parallel direct volume rendering on GPUs, with the intent of high scalability in regards to both performance and data set size. We explore three novel techniques for estimating the ...
  • Direct Send Compositing for Parallel Sort-Last Rendering 

    Eilemann, Stefan; Pajarola, Renato (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    In contrast to sort-first, sort-last parallel rendering has the distinct advantage that the task division for parallel geometry processing and rasterization is simple, and can easily be incorporated into most visualization ...
  • Distributed Collaborative Data Analysis with Heterogeneous Visualisation Systems 

    Duessel, Thomas; Zilken, Herwig; Frings, W.; Eickermann, T.; Gerndt, A.; Wolter, Marc; Kuhlen, Torsten (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    A system for the distributed, collaborative online visualisation in heterogeneous visualisation environments was developed and tested in the application project KoDaVis, which is part of the german optical network testbed ...
  • Multiresolution Visualization of Massive Models on a Large Spatial 3D Display 

    Bettio, Fabio; Gobbetti, Enrico; Pintore, Giovanni; Marton, Fabio (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
    We report on a cluster parallel multiresolution rendering system driving a spatial 3D display able to give multiple freely moving naked-eye viewers the illusion of seeing virtual objects floating at fixed physical locations ...