Norrköping, Sweden | September 20 – 22, 2023

Decision Making and Surgery Planning
Visual Analytics to Support Treatment Decisions in Late-Stage Melanoma Patients
Calida Pereira, Uli Niemann, Andreas Braun, Miriam Mengoni, Thomas Tüting, Bernhard Preim, and Monique Meuschke
Interactive Visual Exploration of Region-based Sensitivities in Fiber Tracking
Faizan Siddiqui, Thomas Höllt, and Anna Vilanova
Resectograms: Real-Time 2D Visualization of Liver Virtual Resections
Ruoyan Meng, Davit Aghayan, Egidijus Pelanis, Bjørn Edwin, Faouzi Alaya Cheikh, and Rafael Palomar
Radiology and Histopathology
NeRF for 3D Reconstruction from X-ray Angiography: Possibilities and Limitations
Kirsten W. H. Maas, Nicola Pezzotti, Amy J. E. Vermeer, Danny Ruijters, and Anna Vilanova
Neural Deformable Cone Beam CT
Lukas Birklein, Elmar Schömer, Robert Brylka, Ulrich Schwanecke, and Ralf Schulze
CDF-Based Importance Sampling and Visualization for Neural Network Training
Alex Knutsson, Jakob Unnebäck, Daniel Jönsson, and Gabriel Eilertsen
An Interaction Metaphor for Enhanced VR-based Volume Segmentation
Eva Monclús and Pere-Pau Vázquez
Storytelling and Communication
Bio-Sketch: A New Medium for Interactive Storytelling Illustrated by the Phenomenon of Infection
Pauline Olivier, Renaud Chabrier, Pooran Memari, Jean-Luc Coll, and Marie-Paule Cani
Communicating Pathologies and Growth to a General Audience
Sarah Mittenentzwei, Sophie Mlitzke, Kai Lawonn, Bernhard Preim, and Monique Meuschke
Reflections on AI-Assisted Character Design for Data-Driven Medical Stories
Beatrice Budich, Laura A. Garrison, Bernhard Preim, and Monique Meuschke
Smoke Surfaces of 4D Biological Dynamical Systems
Marwin Schindler, Aleksandr Amirkhanov, and Renata Georgia Raidou
Neuroanatomy and Omics
Rapid Prototyping for Coordinated Views of Multi-scale Spatial and Abstract Data: A Grammar-based Approach
Philipp Harth, Arco Bast, Jakob Troidl, Bjorge Meulemeester, Hanspeter Pfister, Johanna Beyer, Marcel Oberlaender, Hans-Christian Hege, and Daniel Baum
Cytosplore Simian Viewer: Visual Exploration for Multi-Species Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data
Soumyadeep Basu, Jeroen Eggermont, Thomas Kroes, Nikolas Jorstad, Trygve Bakken, Ed Lein, Boudewijn Lelieveldt, and Thomas Höllt
Visual Analytics for the Integrated Exploration and Sensemaking of Cancer Cohort Radiogenomics and Clinical Information
Sarah El-Sherbiny, Jing Ning, Brigitte Hantusch, Lukas Kenner, and Renata Georgia Raidou

Recent Submissions

  • Visual Analytics for the Integrated Exploration and Sensemaking of Cancer Cohort Radiogenomics and Clinical Information 

    El-Sherbiny, Sarah; Ning, Jing; Hantusch, Brigitte; Kenner, Lukas; Raidou, Renata Georgia (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We present a visual analytics (VA) framework for the comprehensive exploration and integrated analysis of radiogenomic and clinical data from a cancer cohort. Our framework aims to support the workflow of cancer experts ...
  • Cytosplore Simian Viewer: Visual Exploration for Multi-Species Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data 

    Basu, Soumyadeep; Eggermont, Jeroen; Kroes, Thomas; Jorstad, Nikolas; Bakken, Trygve; Lein, Ed; Lelieveldt, Boudewijn; Höllt, Thomas (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    With the rapid advances in single-cell sequencing technologies, novel types of studies into the cell-type makeup of the brain have become possible. Biologists often analyze large and complex single-cell transcriptomic ...
  • Rapid Prototyping for Coordinated Views of Multi-scale Spatial and Abstract Data: A Grammar-based Approach 

    Harth, Philipp; Bast, Arco; Troidl, Jakob; Meulemeester, Bjorge; Pfister, Hanspeter; Beyer, Johanna; Oberlaender, Marcel; Hege, Hans-Christian; Baum, Daniel (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Visualization grammars are gaining popularity as they allow visualization specialists and experienced users to quickly create static and interactive views. Existing grammars, however, mostly focus on abstract views, ignoring ...
  • Smoke Surfaces of 4D Biological Dynamical Systems 

    Schindler, Marwin; Amirkhanov, Aleksandr; Raidou, Renata Georgia (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    To study biological phenomena, mathematical biologists often employ modeling with ordinary differential equations. A system of ordinary differential equations that describes the state of a phenomenon as a moving point in ...
  • Reflections on AI-Assisted Character Design for Data-Driven Medical Stories 

    Budich, Beatrice; Garrison, Laura A.; Preim, Bernhard; Meuschke, Monique (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Data-driven storytelling has experienced significant growth in recent years to become a common practice in various application areas, including healthcare. Within the realm of medical narratives, characters play a pivotal ...
  • Communicating Pathologies and Growth to a General Audience 

    Mittenentzwei, Sarah; Mlitzke, Sophie; Lawonn, Kai; Preim, Bernhard; Meuschke, Monique (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    In this paper, we investigate the suitability of different visual representations of pathological growth using surface models of intracranial aneurysms and liver tumors. By presenting complex medical information in a ...
  • Bio-Sketch: A New Medium for Interactive Storytelling Illustrated by the Phenomenon of Infection 

    Olivier, Pauline; Chabrier, Renaud; Memari, Pooran; Coll, Jean-Luc; Cani, Marie-Paule (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    In the field of biology, digital illustrations play a crucial role in conveying complex phenomena, allowing for idealized shapes and motion, in contrast to data visualization. In the absence of suitable media, scientists ...
  • CDF-Based Importance Sampling and Visualization for Neural Network Training 

    Knutsson, Alex; Unnebäck, Jakob; Jönsson, Daniel; Eilertsen, Gabriel (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Training a deep neural network is computationally expensive, but achieving the same network performance with less computation is possible if the training data is carefully chosen. However, selecting input samples during ...
  • An Interaction Metaphor for Enhanced VR-based Volume Segmentation 

    Monclús, Eva; Vázquez, Pere-Pau (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    The segmentation of medical models is a complex and time-intensive process required for both diagnosis and surgical preparation. Despite the advancements in deep learning, neural networks can only automatically segment a ...
  • NeRF for 3D Reconstruction from X-ray Angiography: Possibilities and Limitations 

    Maas, Kirsten W. H.; Pezzotti, Nicola; Vermeer, Amy J. E.; Ruijters, Danny; Vilanova, Anna (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) is a promising deep learning technique based on neural rendering for three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. This technique has overcome several limitations of 3D reconstruction techniques, such ...
  • Neural Deformable Cone Beam CT 

    Birklein, Lukas; Schömer, Elmar; Brylka, Robert; Schwanecke, Ulrich; Schulze, Ralf (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    In oral and maxillofacial cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), patient motion is frequently observed and, if not accounted for, can severely affect the usability of the acquired images. We propose a highly flexible, data ...
  • Resectograms: Real-Time 2D Visualization of Liver Virtual Resections 

    Meng, Ruoyan; Aghayan, Davit; Pelanis, Egidijus; Edwin, Bjørn; Cheikh, Faouzi Alaya; Palomar, Rafael (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Visualization of virtual resections plays a central role in computer-assisted liver surgery planning. The complexity of the liver's internal structures often leads to difficulties in its proper visualization during the ...
  • Interactive Visual Exploration of Region-based Sensitivities in Fiber Tracking 

    Siddiqui, Faizan; Höllt, Thomas; Vilanova, Anna (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Fiber tracking is a powerful technique that provides valuable insights into the complex white matter structure of the human brain. However, the processing pipeline involves many sources of uncertainty, with one notable ...
  • Visual Analytics to Support Treatment Decisions in Late-Stage Melanoma Patients 

    Pereira, Calida; Niemann, Uli; Braun, Andreas; Mengoni, Miriam; Tüting, Thomas; Preim, Bernhard; Meuschke, Monique (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We present a visual analytics system to support treatment decisions in late-stage Melanoma patients. With the aim of improving patient outcomes, personalized treatment decisions based on individual characteristics and ...
  • Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine: Frontmatter 

    Hansen, Christian; Procter, James; Renata G. Raidou; Jönsson, Daniel; Höllt, Thomas (The Eurographics Association, 2023)