Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK | 14 - 15 September 2023

Shape Representation and Analysis
Strategies for More Energy Efficient Volume Analysis and Direct Volume Rendering Descriptor Computation
Jacob D. Hauenstein and Timothy S. Newman
Automatic Detection of Topological Changes in Geometric Modeling Operations
Maxime Gaide, David Marcheix, Agnès Arnould, Xavier Skapin, Hakim Belhaouari, and Stéphane Jean
An Image-based Model for 3D Shape Quality Measure
Fahd Alhamazani, Paul L. Rosin, and Yu-Kun Lai
Shape Reconstruction
RPS-Net: Indoor Scene Point Cloud Completion using RBF-Point Sparse Convolution
Tao Wang, Jing Wu, Ze Ji, and Yu-Kun Lai
Differentiable Procedural Models for Single-view 3D Mesh Reconstruction
Albert Garifullin, Nikolay Maiorov, and Vladimir Frolov
Inpainting Normal Maps for Lightstage data
Hancheng Zuo and Bernard Tiddeman
Less is more: Focused Design and Problem Framing in Visualisation - Developing the ColloCaid Collocation Editor
Jonathan C. Roberts, Peter W. S. Butcher, Geraint Rees, Robert Lew, Nirwan Sharma, and Anna Frankenberg-Garcia
Interweaving Data and Stories: A Case Study on Unveiling the Human Dimension of U.S. Refugee Movements through Narrative Visualisation
Ebube Glory Ogbonda, Jonathan C. Roberts, and Peter W. S. Butcher
Model Reevaluation Based on Graph Transformation Rules
Maxime Gaide, David Marcheix, Agnès Arnould, Xavier Skapin, Hakim Belhaouari, and Stéphane Jean
Towards Ceramics Inspired Physiotherapy for Recovering Stroke Patients
Sándor P. Hajzer, Andra Jones, David E. Jones, Helen C. Miles, Victoria Ellis, Federico V. Povina, Magalí Sganga, Martin T. Swain, and Sophie Bennett-Gillison
Investigating Deep Learning for Identification of Crabs and Lobsters on Fishing Boats
Muhammad Iftikhar, Bernard Tiddeman, Marie Neal, Natalie Hold, and Mark Neal
Classifying User Interface Accessibility for Colourblind Users
Amaan Jamil and Gyorgy Denes
Using The Barnes-Hut Approximation for Fast N-Body Simulations in Computer Graphics
Peter Dravecky and Ian Stephenson
Imaging and Rendering
Intra-Model Smoothing Using Depth Aware Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing for Deferred Rendering Pipelines
Birk Martin Magnussen
AUPE: An Emulator for the ExoMars PanCam Instrument
Ariel Ladegaard, Matt Gunn, Helen C. Miles, and Laurence Tyler
Visualisation and Interaction
SunburstChartAnalyzer: Hierarchical Data Retrieval from Images of Sunburst Charts for Tree Visualization
Prakhar Rastogi, Karanveer Singh, and Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair
Exploring Language Pedagogy with Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence
Brandon Michael and Nadine Aburumman
Immersive WebXR Data Visualisation Tool
Ebube Glory Ogbonda
Crafting Visual Narratives: A Case Study on Developing an Engaging Visualisation Poster Using U.S. Immigration Data
Ebube Glory Ogbonda, Peter W. S. Butcher, and Jonathan C. Roberts
Visual Computing
Augmenting Anomaly Detection Datasets with Reactive Synthetic Elements
Ivan Nikolov
Just Noticeable Difference of Dead Pixels in Monochrome Computer-Generated Holograms
Nicholas Lindfield, Remington Carey, Vedad Hulusic, Darran Milne, and Wen Tang
Automatic Balance Assessment Using Smartphone and AI
Magalí Sganga, Patrycja Rozmiarek, Emiliano Ravera, Otar Akanyeti, and Federico Villagra Povina

Recent Submissions

  • Automatic Balance Assessment Using Smartphone and AI 

    Sganga, Magalí; Rozmiarek, Patrycja; Ravera, Emiliano; Akanyeti, Otar; Povina, Federico Villagra (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Postural control assessment is essential for understanding human biomechanics in both static and dynamic situations. The relationship between the center of mass (CoM), center of pressure (CoP), and the base of support (BoS) ...
  • Just Noticeable Difference of Dead Pixels in Monochrome Computer-Generated Holograms 

    Lindfield, Nicholas; Carey, Remington; Hulusic, Vedad; Milne, Darran; Tang, Wen (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Computer-generated holography (CGH) is a method for replicating scenes that incorporates depth, making them potentially much more realistic than traditional displays. Because CGH uses diffractive optics to generate scenes, ...
  • Augmenting Anomaly Detection Datasets with Reactive Synthetic Elements 

    Nikolov, Ivan (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Automatic anomaly detection for surveillance purposes has become an integral part of accident prevention and early warning systems. The lack of sufficient real datasets for training and testing such detectors has pushed a ...
  • Crafting Visual Narratives: A Case Study on Developing an Engaging Visualisation Poster Using U.S. Immigration Data 

    Ogbonda, Ebube Glory; Butcher, Peter W. S.; Roberts, Jonathan C. (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper presents a design study that elucidates the process of creating an engaging visualisation poster using U.S. immigration data as the focal point. The primary objective is to demonstrate the methodical journey of ...
  • Exploring Language Pedagogy with Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence 

    Michael, Brandon; Aburumman, Nadine (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Virtual Reality (VR) is a highly immersive and interactive experience that renders users to be engrossed in a 3D virtual environment. The recent technological advancements with high-resolution headset display, and accurate ...
  • Immersive WebXR Data Visualisation Tool 

    Ogbonda, Ebube Glory (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper presents a study of a WebXR data visualisation tool designed for the immersive exploration of complex datasets in a 3D environment. The application developed using AFrame, D3.js, and JavaScript enables an ...
  • SunburstChartAnalyzer: Hierarchical Data Retrieval from Images of Sunburst Charts for Tree Visualization 

    Rastogi, Prakhar; Singh, Karanveer; Sreevalsan-Nair, Jaya (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Data extraction from visualization is a challenging problem in computer vision owing to the huge ''design space of possible vis idioms.'' Different visualizations pose different challenges in automated data extraction from ...
  • AUPE: An Emulator for the ExoMars PanCam Instrument 

    Ladegaard, Ariel; Gunn, Matt; Miles, Helen C.; Tyler, Laurence (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    The European Space Agency's ExoMars mission will be the first European-led planetary rover mission and much preparation and rehearsal is required, both for the personnel involved and the data processing pipelines and ...
  • Investigating Deep Learning for Identification of Crabs and Lobsters on Fishing Boats 

    Iftikhar, Muhammad; Tiddeman, Bernard; Neal, Marie; Hold, Natalie; Neal, Mark (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper describes a collaboration between marine and computer scientists to improve fisheries data collection. We evaluate deep learning (DL)-based solutions for identifying crabs and lobsters onboard fishing boats. A ...
  • Using The Barnes-Hut Approximation for Fast N-Body Simulations in Computer Graphics 

    Dravecky, Peter; Stephenson, Ian (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Particle systems in CG often encounter performance issues when all the particles rely on mutual influence, producing an O(N2) performance. The Barnes-Hut approximation is used in the field of astrophysics to provide ...
  • Intra-Model Smoothing Using Depth Aware Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing for Deferred Rendering Pipelines 

    Magnussen, Birk Martin (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Subpixel geometry often causes lighting artifacts. In some cases, post-process anti-aliasing algorithms are not sufficiently able to smooth the resulting image. For forward rendering pipelines, multi-sample anti-aliasing ...
  • Classifying User Interface Accessibility for Colourblind Users 

    Jamil, Amaan; Denes, Gyorgy (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Colour vision deficiency (CVD, colourblindness) is the failure or decreased ability to distinguish between certain colours even under normal lighting conditions. There are an estimated 300 million people worldwide with ...
  • Interweaving Data and Stories: A Case Study on Unveiling the Human Dimension of U.S. Refugee Movements through Narrative Visualisation 

    Ogbonda, Ebube Glory; Roberts, Jonathan C.; Butcher, Peter W. S. (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    In response to the escalating global refugee crisis, we present a case-study of developing an advanced tool for interpreting high-dimensional refugee data. Developed using Mapbox and D3.js, our interactive visualisation ...
  • Towards Ceramics Inspired Physiotherapy for Recovering Stroke Patients 

    Hajzer, Sándor P.; Jones, Andra; Jones, David E.; Miles, Helen C.; Ellis, Victoria; Povina, Federico V.; Sganga, Magalí; Swain, Martin T.; Bennett-Gillison, Sophie (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    People prescribed physiotherapy exercises can struggle to engage with exercises due to a lack of mental stimulation in the repetitive tasks. The introduction of VR to motion-based physiotherapy can be beneficial, however, ...
  • Model Reevaluation Based on Graph Transformation Rules 

    Gaide, Maxime; Marcheix, David; Arnould, Agnès; Skapin, Xavier; Belhaouari, Hakim; Jean, Stéphane (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    In this paper, we extend the scope of naming problem studies to encompass rule-based graph transformation modeling systems. We propose a novel persistent naming method that capitalizes on the formalized operations of ...
  • Inpainting Normal Maps for Lightstage data 

    Zuo, Hancheng; Tiddeman, Bernard (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper presents a new method for inpainting of normal maps using a generative adversarial network (GAN) model. Normal maps can be acquired from a lightstage, and when used for performance capture, there is a risk of ...
  • Less is more: Focused Design and Problem Framing in Visualisation - Developing the ColloCaid Collocation Editor 

    Roberts, Jonathan C.; Butcher, Peter W. S.; Rees, Geraint; Lew, Robert; Sharma, Nirwan; Frankenberg-Garcia, Anna (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    One of the challenges when developing a visualisation tool, especially at the start of a research project, is to amalgamate numerous requirements and various possibilities and decide what to create. With software development, ...
  • RPS-Net: Indoor Scene Point Cloud Completion using RBF-Point Sparse Convolution 

    Wang, Tao; Wu, Jing; Ji, Ze; Lai, Yu-Kun (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We introduce a novel approach to the completion of 3D scenes, which is a practically important task as captured point clouds of 3D scenes tend to be incomplete due to limited sensor range and occlusion. We address this ...
  • Differentiable Procedural Models for Single-view 3D Mesh Reconstruction 

    Garifullin, Albert; Maiorov, Nikolay; Frolov, Vladimir (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Most existing solutions for single-view 3D object reconstruction are based on deep learning with implicit or voxel representations of the scene and are unable to produce detailed and high-quality meshes and textures that ...
  • Automatic Detection of Topological Changes in Geometric Modeling Operations 

    Gaide, Maxime; Marcheix, David; Arnould, Agnès; Skapin, Xavier; Belhaouari, Hakim; Jean, Stéphane (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Advanced geometric modelers require the detection of topological changes caused by modeling operations such as edge creation, face splitting or volume merging... Such a detection can be dynamically performed by comparing ...

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