Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Codesign Of Graphics Hardware Accelerators 

      Ewins, Jon P.; L.Watten, Phil; White, Martin; McNeill, Michael D. J.; Lister, Paul F. (The Eurographics Association, 1997)
      The design of a hardware architecture for a computer graphics pipeline requires a thorough understanding of the algorithms involved at each stage, and the implications these algorithms have on the organisation of the ...
    • Memory Access Patterns of Occlusion-Compatible 3D Image Warping 

      Murk, William R.; Bishop, Gary (The Eurographics Association, 1997)
      McMillan and Bishop s 3D image warp can be efficiently implemented by exploiting the coherency of its memory accesses. We analyze this coherency, and present algorithms that take advantage of it. These algorithms traverse ...
    • PixelFlow: The Realization 

      Eyles, John; Molnar, Steven; Poulton, John; Greer, Trey; Lastra, Anselmo; England, Nick; Westover, Lee (The Eurographics Association, 1997)
      PixelFlow is an architecture for high-speed, highly realistic image generation, based on the techniques of object-parallelism and image composition. Its initial architecture was described in [MOLN92]. After development by ...
    • Realizing OpenGL: Two Implementations of One Architecture 

      Kilgard, Mark J. (The Eurographics Association, 1997)
      The OpenGL Graphics System provides a well-specified, widely accepted dataflow for 3D graphics and imaging. OpenGL is an architecture; an OpenGL-capable computer is a hardware manifestation or implementaion of that ...
    • Towards Real-Time Photorealistic Rendering: Challenges and Solutions 

      Schilling, Andreas (The Eurographics Association, 1997)
      A growing number of real-time applications need graphics with photorealistic quality, especially in the field of training (virtual operation, driving and flightsimulation), but also in the areas of design or ergonomic ...
    • VIZARD - Visualization Accelerator for Realtime Display 

      Knittel, Günter; Straßer, Wolfgang (The Eurographics Association, 1997)
      Volume rendering has traditionally been an application for supercomputers, workstation networks or expensive special-purpose hardware. In contrast, this report shows how far we have reached using the other extreme: the ...