Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Antialiased Parameterized Solid Texturing Simplified for Consumer- Level Hardware Implementation 

      Hart, John C.; Carr, Nate; Karneya, Masaki; Tibbitts, Stephen A.; Coleman, Terrance J. (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      Procedural solid texturing was introduced fourteen years ago, but has yet to find its way into consumer level graphics hardware for teal-time operation. To this end, a new model is introduced that yields a parameterized ...
    • Hybrid Volume and Polygon Rendering with Cube Hardware 

      Kreeger, Kevin; Kaufman, Arie (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      We present two methods which connect today s polygon graphics hardware accelerators to Cube-5 volume rendering hardware, the successor to Cube4 The proposed methods allow mixing of both opaque and translucent polygons with ...
    • Optimal Depth Buffer for Low-Cost Graphics Hardware 

      Lapidous, Eugene; Jiao, Guofang (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      3D applications using hardware depth buffers for visibility testing are confronted with multiple choices of buffer types, sizes and formats. Some of the options are not exposed through 3D API or may be used by the driver ...
    • Parallel Texture Caching 

      lgehy, Homan; Eldridge, Matthew; Hanrahan, Pat (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      The creation of high-quality images requires new functionality and higher performance in real-time graphics architectures. In terms of functionality, texture mapping has become an integral component of graphics systems, ...
    • Texture Shaders 

      McCool, Michael D.; Heidrich, Wolfgang (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      Extensions to the texture-mapping support of the abstract graphics hardware pipeline and the OpenGL API are proposed to better support programmable shading, with a unified interface, on a variety of future graphics accelerator ...