Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • How Self-Similar are Artworks at Different Levels of Spatial Resolution? 

      Amirshahi, Seyed Ali; Redies, Christoph; Denzler, Joachim (ACM, 2013)
      Recent research has shown that a large variety of aesthetic paintings are highly self-similar. The degree of self-similarity seen in artworks is close to that observed for complex natural scenes, to which low-level visual ...
    • Rendering Artistic Light Patterns 

      Ji, Li; Gooch, Amy; Gammon, Lynda; Wyvill, Brian (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      By combining knowledge from computer graphics and visual arts, we have built a projection installation based on a novel sketch-based shape pattern rendering method. Our novel rendering method is guided by an artist's ...