Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Automatic Modeling of Planar-Hinged Buildings 

      Garcia-Dorado, Ignacio; Aliaga, Daniel G. (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      We present a framework to automatically model and reconstruct buildings in a dense urban area. Our method is robust to noise and recovers planar features and sharp edges, producing a water-tight triangulation suitable for ...
    • Feature-preserving Direct Blue Noise Sampling for Surface Meshes 

      Peyrot, Jean-Luc; Payan, Frédéric; Antonini, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      We present a new direct Poisson disk sampling for surface meshes. Our objective is to sample triangular meshes, while satisfying good blue noise properties, but also preserving features. Our method combines a feature ...
    • Real-Time High Fidelity Inverse Tone Mapping for Low Dynamic Range Content 

      Banterle, Francesco; Chalmers, Alan; Scopigno, Roberto (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      In this paper, we present a novel parallel implementation of a high fidelity inverse tone mapping operator. Our method makes use of point based graphics to accelerate density estimation, and multi-core CPUs for extracting ...
    • Size-Based Rendering for Lung Cancer Screening 

      Wiemker, Rafael; Bülow, Thomas; Klinder, Tobias (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      We present two relevant clinical use cases for thoracic computed tomography data, where the recently introduced concept of size-based rendering can be beneficially applied to medical visualization in the context of screening ...