Now showing items 41-42 of 42

    • MICRO-UIDT: A User Interface Development Tool 

      Mao, Qijing (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      A user interlace development tool called Micro-UIDT is described. Micro-UIDT provides an interactive design environment fur the user interface designers. The designing language for defining user interfaces are visual and ...
    • Pixel Selected Ray Tracing 

      Akimoto, Taka-aki; Mase, Kenji; Hashimoto, Akihiko; Suenaga, Yasuhito (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      This paper presents a new ray-tracing acceleration technique called Pixel Selected Ray-Tracing (PSRT). PSRT uses undersampling based on Iterative Central Point Selection(ICPS) along with checking for similarities among ...