Now showing items 1-10 of 42
A VLSI Chip for Ray Tracing Bicubic Patches
(Eurographics Association, 1989)
This paper deals with the integration of a VLSI chip dedicated to ray tracing bicubic patches. A recursive subdivision algorithm is embedded in this chip. The recursion stops when the termination conditions are met. A ...
GEO++ - A System for Both Modelling and Display
(Eurographics Association, 1989)
We present a new concept for a graphics system which we call GEO++ . Apart from the manipulation of groups (structures in PHIGS-terminology), GEO++ permits a direct access to the tree structure required for display. With ...
Accelerated Radiosity Method for Complex Environments
(Eurographics Association, 1989)
As form-factor calculation costs about 90% of the computing time when applying radiosity approach for realistic image synthesis, it is of great significance to reduce the required computation, An accelerated radiosity ...
Delauney Triangulations and the Radiosity Approach
(Eurographics Association, 1989)
The radiosity approach requires the subdivision of complex surfaces into simple components called patches. Since we assume to have constant intensity over a patch, the generation of regular patches is a desirable property ...
Visualisation in Astrophysics
(Eurographics Association, 1989)
This paper reports on progress we have made in modelling cosmic X-ray sources on supercomputers. The results we present are meant to serve as an example for the fact that sophisticated visualization techniques play a crucial ...
Colour Section
(Eurographics Association, 1989)
Two Object-Oriented Models to Design Graphical User Interfaces
(Eurographics Association, 1989)
Object-oriented concepts are well-suited to deal with the characteristics of user interfaces. Up to now several attempts to integrate the object-oriented paradigm in user interface models were evolved and led to distinctive ...
The Structure of Tube - A Tool for Implementing Advanced User Interfaces
(Eurographics Association, 1989)
Good user interfaces are very costly to implement and maintain. As user interfaces become more advanced, moving to various forms of direct manipulation, they become even more expensive and difficult to implement. In the ...
The Use of Finite Element Theory for Simulating Object and Human Body Deformations and Contacts
(Eurographics Association, 1989)
This paper presents a method for combining image synthesis and modeling based on a finite element method (FEM) to get realistic intelligent images. FEM is used for modeling both elastically and plastically deformations of ...
Components, Frameworks and GKS Input
(Eurographics Association, 1989)
This paper was inspired by the Components/ Frameworks approach to a Reference Model for computer graphics, currently under discussion in the ISO computer graphics subject committee. The paper shows how a formal description ...