Delft, The Netherlands | June 28 - 30, 2023

(Rendering 2023 CGF papers are available here.)
Ray Tracing
Mean Value Caching for Walk on Spheres
Ghada Bakbouk and Pieter Peers
A Microfacet Model for Specular Fluorescent Surfaces and Fluorescent Volume Rendering using Quantum Dots
Alexis Benamira and Sumant Pattanaik
Floaters No More: Radiance Field Gradient Scaling for Improved Near-Camera Training
Julien Philip and Valentin Deschaintre
SparseBTF: Sparse Representation Learning for Bidirectional Texture Functions
Behnaz Kavoosighafi, Jeppe Revall Frisvad, Saghi Hajisharif, Jonas Unger, and Ehsan Miandji
Data-driven Pixel Filter Aware MIP Maps for SVBRDFs
Pauli Kemppinen, Miika Aittala, and Jaakko Lehtinen
Patterns and Shadows
Learning Projective Shadow Textures for Neural Rendering of Human Cast Shadows from Silhouettes
Farshad Einabadi, Jean-Yves Guillemaut, and Adrian Hilton
pEt: Direct Manipulation of Differentiable Vector Patterns
Marzia Riso and Fabio Pellacini
FloralSurf: Space-Filling Geodesic Ornaments
Valerio Albano, Filippo Andrea Fanni, Andrea Giachetti, and Fabio Pellacini
An Inverted Pyramid Acceleration Structure Guiding Foveated Sphere Tracing for Implicit Surfaces in VR
Andreas Polychronakis, George Alex Koulieris, and Katerina Mania
Practical Temporal and Stereoscopic Filtering for Real-time Ray Tracing
Henrik Philippi, Jeppe Revall Frisvad, and Henrik Wann Jensen
Gaze-Contingent Perceptual Level of Detail Prediction
Luca Surace, Cara Tursun, Ufuk Celikcan, and Piotr Didyk
Industry Track
Deep Compositional Denoising on Frame Sequences
Xianyao Zhang, Gerhard Röthlin, Marco Manzi, Markus Gros, and Marios Papas
Fast Procedural Noise By Monte Carlo Sampling
Marcos Fajardo and Matt Pharr

Recent Submissions

  • Fast Procedural Noise By Monte Carlo Sampling 

    Fajardo, Marcos; Pharr, Matt (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Procedural noise functions are widely used in computer graphics as a way to add texture detail to surfaces and volumes. Many noise functions are based on weighted sums that can be expressed in terms of random variables, ...
  • Deep Compositional Denoising on Frame Sequences 

    Zhang, Xianyao; Röthlin, Gerhard; Manzi, Marco; Gross, Markus; Papas, Marios (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Path tracing is the prevalent rendering algorithm in the animated movies and visual effects industry, thanks to its simplicity and ability to render physically plausible lighting effects. However, we must simulate millions ...
  • Gaze-Contingent Perceptual Level of Detail Prediction 

    Surace, Luca; Tursun, Cara; Celikcan, Ufuk; Didyk, Piotr (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    New virtual reality headsets and wide field-of-view displays rely on foveated rendering techniques that lower the rendering quality for peripheral vision to increase performance without a perceptible quality loss. While ...
  • Practical Temporal and Stereoscopic Filtering for Real-time Ray Tracing 

    Philippi, Henrik; Frisvad, Jeppe Revall; Jensen, Henrik Wann (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We present a practical method for temporal and stereoscopic filtering that generates stereo-consistent rendering. Existing methods for stereoscopic rendering often reuse samples from one eye for the other or do averaging ...
  • An Inverted Pyramid Acceleration Structure Guiding Foveated Sphere Tracing for Implicit Surfaces in VR 

    Polychronakis, Andreas; Koulieris, George Alex; Mania, Katerina (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    In this paper, we propose a novel rendering pipeline for sphere tracing signed distance functions (SDFs) that significantly improves sphere tracing performance. Previous methods simply focus on over-relaxing the step size ...
  • FloralSurf: Space-Filling Geodesic Ornaments 

    Albano, Valerio; Fanni, Filippo Andrea; Giachetti, Andrea; Pellacini, Fabio (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We propose a method to generate floral patterns on manifolds without relying on parametrizations. Taking inspiration from the literature on procedural space-filling vegetation, these patterns are made of non-intersecting ...
  • pEt: Direct Manipulation of Differentiable Vector Patterns 

    Riso, Marzia; Pellacini, Fabio (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Procedural assets are used in computer graphics applications since variations can be obtained by changing the parameters of the procedural programs. As the number of parameters increases, editing becomes cumbersome as users ...
  • Learning Projective Shadow Textures for Neural Rendering of Human Cast Shadows from Silhouettes 

    Einabadi, Farshad; Guillemaut, Jean-Yves; Hilton, Adrian (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This contribution introduces a two-step, novel neural rendering framework to learn the transformation from a 2D human silhouette mask to the corresponding cast shadows on background scene geometries. In the first step, the ...
  • Data-driven Pixel Filter Aware MIP Maps for SVBRDFs 

    Kemppinen, Pauli; Aittala, Miika; Lehtinen, Jaakko (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We propose a data-driven approach for generating MIP map pyramids from SVBRDF parameter maps. We learn a latent material representation where linear image downsampling corresponds to linear prefiltering of surface reflectance. ...
  • SparseBTF: Sparse Representation Learning for Bidirectional Texture Functions 

    Kavoosighafi, Behnaz; Frisvad, Jeppe Revall; Hajisharif, Saghi; Unger, Jonas; Miandji, Ehsan (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We propose a novel dictionary-based representation learning model for Bidirectional Texture Functions (BTFs) aiming at compact storage, real-time rendering performance, and high image quality. Our model is trained once, ...
  • Floaters No More: Radiance Field Gradient Scaling for Improved Near-Camera Training 

    Philip, Julien; Deschaintre, Valentin (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    NeRF acquisition typically requires careful choice of near planes for the different cameras or suffers from background collapse, creating floating artifacts on the edges of the captured scene. The key insight of this work ...
  • A Microfacet Model for Specular Fluorescent Surfaces and Fluorescent Volume Rendering using Quantum Dots 

    Benamira, Alexis; Pattanaik, Sumant (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Fluorescent appearance of materials results from a complex light-material interaction phenomenon. The modeling of fluorescent material for rendering has only been addressed through measurement or for simple diffuse ...
  • Mean Value Caching for Walk on Spheres 

    Bakbouk, Ghada; Peers, Pieter (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Walk on Spheres (WoS) is a grid-free Monte Carlo method for numerically estimating solutions for elliptical partial differential equations (PDE) such as the Laplace and Poisson PDEs. While WoS is efficient for computing a ...
  • Rendering 2023 Symposium Track: Frontmatter 

    Ritschel, Tobias; Weidlich, Andrea (The Eurographics Association, 2023)